German teenager Kim Petras who became the world's youngest transsexual after undergoing an operation at the age of just 16 says she can't wait for the summer so she can try out a whole new wardrobe of tight fitting clothes.
The pop singer - born Tim - is well known in Germany for having started hormone replacement therapy as part of her gender transition by the age of 12.
Now 16, she completed Gender Reassignment Surgery in November, according to a posting on her blog.
More to this story can be found at following address:
The only comment I have I wish I was 18 again she is one beautiful Doll/Girl! Richard
try this link
see if this works better, a pretty kid.
Kim's An Object Lesson
In the advantages of transitioning early. Such a good-looking girl and with a singing voice too; good luck to her,
Wikipedia Article:
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
I wish her well
I dislike the term 'sex change'; it seems to indicate some element of choice. As Kim said on YouTube, she was born a girl. She had a birth defect, as have many people. She was determined to deal with the problem and she had five of the most important resources; information, family support, medical expertise, courage and determination.
She is a very beautiful girl; I wish her a happy and contented life, free from the bigotry, fear and interference which has plagued so many over the years.
Change for the Better
Try this link. Aol has another picture.