Gosh, aren't we lucky bunnies? For those of you who haven't explored the new sections in searches, do and be impressed. The stories are in alphabetical order - although why their seems to be more pages for stories starting with letter E, I'm not sure, it's KP and her Edumacation serial, I s'pect.
Finally, spare a thought for our web mistress and her trusty friend Bob, and the small team who assist them. They do absolutely sterling work to make this, the best TG website on the net. Thanks, Erin, Bob and the others for making this such a good place to visit - I'll have to post some stories here one day :)
Bloody Sassenachs
That Scottish town where William Wallace came from is Stirling. It's a sterling act for you to mention it in dispatches (I checked that one) Angharad. You're right in one thing though. Erin, Bob and friends do great work for all of us as a labour of love,
P.S. Damn! Now you've gone and changed it so everybody will wonder what I was waffling on about. Antipodean idiot,they'll think.
Stirling Stuff :)
I hadn't noticed my typo, so thanks for turning it into a series. I'm well aware of the difference betwixt the two, Sterling was valuable stuff, whilst Stirling, is a town, castle and racing driver.
It was also the site of Wallace's battle and a seige by Edward I, Mary Queen of Scots was crowned in the castle. I'm a half Scots Taffy, so I do know a bit of Scottish history, especially that relating to my ancestor Robert Bruce.
Uh, Angharad ...
You said, and I quote,
I think it might be that other author, who is closer to 1,000 parts to her serial, than it is KP, with her measly 47 episodes."The stories are in alphabetical order - although why their seems to be more pages for stories starting with letter E, I'm not sure, it's KP and her Edumacation serial, I s'pect."
I rather think it is that other author, the one whose story is closer to 1,000 episodes than it is to KPs measly 47 episodes.
Oh, wait, that's you, isn't it?
( I'll bet you have just been waiting for someone to say that, haven't you? )
Both are excellent stories, but just among the many that are the reason I hang around here.
But it isn't just the quantity, it is the quality, and the fact that there is something for almost everyone that isn't looking for trash.
It’s not given to anyone to have no regrets; only to decide, through the choices we make, which regrets we’ll have,
David Weber – In Fury Born
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.