I have cat scratch fever!

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I thought my problems with fatigue and everything else was Covid related, but it turns out I have cat scratch fever, and all of my symptoms match the common symptoms for that. I have started medication for it, and I'm feeling better every day. Cat scratch fever is fairly rare, and in most cases resolves itself, but with my weakened immune system, I have apparently been fighting it for some time now. It can be very serious if untreated for long periods of time, but I have no symptoms of it having reached that point. Anyways, I'm back to reading stories at least, and I hope to be able to do more soon. Other than that, things are pretty much the same as usual for me. All my love to my wonderful friends here. >^.^<


Yikes! You already know/have been told ...

Take all of the meds as prescribed.

Stopping the meds too soon ("But I feel perfectly fine now.") can evolve a more resistant & harder to treat variation.

Take care & get well soonest!

Good advice,

I used to work in an emergency room so I'm very familiar with that. We have a huge problem with medication resistant diseases now, and they have almost all, if not all, been caused by people who don't take their medications correctly. Thank you for your kind support.

Get well soon

SammyC's picture

Our thoughts are with you. Hope the stories on the site help to pass the time pleasantly while you recover.



According to Wikipedia

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

"Recovery typically occurs within 4 months but can require a year."

Yikes, that's a long time. Hope you get over it sooner rather than later.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann


From what I've read, the long recovery time only happens when you have swollen lymph nodes, and thankfully I don't have that symptom. Thank you for the info though, I wouldn't have researched that if you hadn't said something.

How is the cat?

Angharad's picture

I have heard of cat scratch fever but you are the first person I have actually heard of getting it, is that good or bad luck? Get well soon (if you start growing a tail you could make a lot of money).


You never fail to make me smile,

and cat scratch fever is quite rare, most people that get it recover on their own and may not even be aware they had it. My weakened immune system made me more susceptible to it and I'm on meds now. Thankfully, we got to it before any of the serious problems started, if it goes untreated it can be deadly - Encephalopathy, endocarditis, liver and spleen swelling, or vision problems being among the serious ones. I'll let you know if I start growing a tail, you can be my agent if I do. I hope things are going well with you. Oh, and the kitten I got it from was a rescue we fostered, it is now in a very good home with my sister-in-law and doing quite well. Cat Scratch Fever is something a cat can carry, but it doesn't affect the cat.