Cancel Culture

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The "Right" is always accusing those of us who are not of their persuasion of using "cancel culture" to silence criticism.

Isn't it strange that the Republican "law makers" in Montana have banned Zooey Zephyr from participating in legislative debates because she criticised moves to introduce restrictive laws to prevent TG treatments for juveniles. She is an elected representative to the legislature. It just happens that she is transgender.

It seems that Republicans cannot abide anybody objecting to their Nazi objectives.


AmeriKKKa ...

AmeriKKKa ...

Land of the Free - for ME, but Never for Thee.

Hypocritical people

Yes, that is how it works.

Unreasonable people like that count on reasonable people to be reasonable to push their agenda.

It is funny that it was coincidentally mentioned in one of Bek Corbin's excellent Jordan Winters stories (last one of the series as a matter of fact) that I just decided to reread.

That can never be allowed. It will just let them run roughshod over you.

Allowing those to do this is just the victory our enemies outside of the US has been pushing for all this time. Using disinformation and such on the gullible on Facebook and other social media to forget their basic human compassion to piss on those who are 'different': Like Us.

However, In a lot of ways it is not just us at risk, we are merely the excuse du jour for that alt-right to go through all the other folks they don't like but are merely biding their time to make their way of thinking the Norm.

This cannot be allowed.

Unreasonable from left and right

BarbieLee's picture

The smallest minority is being used as cannon fodder for and against almost any perceived cause. We fill that role perfectly because we are the smallest class of people. There are other classes smaller than ours but they are in the rare disease or birth class and God forbid any of the major players use them as a Holy Grail for whatever cause they are trotting out today.
Which brings up the question why aren't transgender off limits? Everyone knows we are defined as insane. Thus the liberals and conservatives are using insane people as their standard for their Just Cause? My opinion is both sides deserve each other. Liberals started using us as a reason for more special rights, more laws, more everything until they achieve what they want then they dump us with the promise they will come back for us. That has worked so well so far. Conservatives point to us as not really knowing who or what we are. God and Medical Science be damned they are going to protect us against ourselves. God doesn't make mistakes and there are only male and female when it comes to transgender. Funny how they ignore God's mistakes when it comes to cleft lip, deformed limbs, mongoloid, Cerebral Edema, blindness and hundreds of other God's mistakes when a baby is born. Yet a double dose of boy-girl gender blender can't happen because God doesn't make a mistake.
Did God beam up all intelligence the past thirty to fifty years or did I miss the Rapture? I want God to know I have a complaint. This gender blender I was blessed with has been really awesome but He forgot to inform the rest of the world. Believe, last one off world turn out the lights.
Matthew 10:21-22,Matthew 10:34-39
Hugs Joanne
"I love you" are the words I share with family, friends, strangers. I never know when I will no longer be able to say those words.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Liberals dumping us

I disagree.

There has been progressive improvements for us in the last 37 years or so that I've been out and the we've been given more expansive rights. Biden's directives to allow us passport choice with regard to gender identity on it is only the latest of that kind of support.

Add to the 'liberal' states that have continued to and expand on the ability to alter our Birth Certificates is more such support. I myself has benefited from that support.

If you are talking about Barney Frank? Then yes, he dumped us during that period. I disagree that the HRC represents all of the liberals though. It is an insult to the cisgendered allies who have stood by us as we gradually clawed our way to being a normative part of our society.

And I disagree that we got 'special rights'. We got equitable treatment. There is a difference. That was clearly explained in my company's equality training what that difference is.

Here is a good explainer:

As usual you approach what we got from the usual 'both sides are the same' playbook that conservatives like to invoke.

Finally, I have a job thanks to the fact being LGBT is no longer considered a barrier to being cleared for work that protects our nation. I am a competent engineer who otherwise would not be able to ply her trade to get those essential programs to work. We ALL benefit from getting equitable treatment!

One more thought

Oh, and as for how Zooey Zephyr got elected.

Since it is understood we are a minority within the population, logically we are a minority among the liberals too.

Yet Zooey got elected by a liberal part of the state. I sincerely doubt that it was a trans majority who voted her in. It was the liberal majority there. She was not abandoned.


Andrea Lena's picture
Prairie Dogs for Coyotes 2024


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

Please Educate Me

joannebarbarella's picture

I assume that by "Left" you are talking about those states with "Blue" administrations.

I would like to know which of those states have introduced or passed legislation to limit the rights of transgender individuals to treatment or to be treated.
Which ones have limited or delegitimised women's access to abortion procedures?

If you can enlighten me I may be able to give some credence to your statements. Right now I believe that what you call the "Left" or "liberal" are the sane ones. I'm sure they can commit their own brand of nonsense but they're doing far less of it and they're not taking away anyone's rights. That's what I would call unreasonable.



Andrea Lena's picture

2023 anti-trans bills tracker
In 2023, anti-trans bills continue to be introduced across the country. We track legislation that seeks to block trans people from receiving basic healthcare, education, legal recognition, and the right to publicly exist.

528 bills; ;49 states; 50 passed; 382 active; 96 failed

Pew Research: New study estimates 1.6 million in U.S. identify as transgender

Extrapolated worldwide - roughly 150 MILLION people.

P.S.? Redheads - TWO % worldwide - roughly 60 million. Will the other guys go after Redheads?

I have a friend who was forced to move to another state when her own state outlawed gender-affirming care for her child. One state recently passed legislation prohibiting gender-affirming care for adults. At least two states have issued orders to their prospective Child Protective Services to remove trans kids from homes where parents are providing gender affirmation.

Oh... just last week a state agency head issued directives that everyone must dress for work according to their 'biological sex (sic)."

In addition. Every single anti-trans bill prohibits gender-affirming "surgery" for minors. Pleading for the sake of the kids to stop butchering them. NO such surgery is being performed. Even the protocol for adults is stringent But let's not let the MEDICAL facts get in the way of an ideologically-driven campaign of misinformation!


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

Not hard to find

BarbieLee's picture

States closing off trans care of some kind or all trans support.
I love Oklahoma because they have closed off all transgender care until one is eighteen. No psychiatric help, no meds, no doctors, zero support. I counsel trans of all ages. Hope I don't need a jail house lawyer. My psychiatrist is on the same page but she's Federal. I don't think they can touch her and if they try she has the Federal Gov behind her.
State or Nation this is such a mixed up mess. I guess it depends on where one lives and their age puts them above the cut off for trans whether it seems like blue skies or storm clouds overhead?

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

That Wasn't What I Asked

joannebarbarella's picture

I asked for a list of "Blue" states that had restricted TG rights and instead you gave me a list of "Red" states. Does that mean you cannot answer the question?

Almost Every State has New Transition Laws

BarbieLee's picture

Whether one wants to admit it or not, for or against transition laws are changing in most every state. If a parent's rights are removed or transition is hidden from the parent that is discrimination. Democratic or Republican or in between it's only right in an individual's mind in the way they judge this very volatile situation whether a Blue State or Red State has got it right. We have lost what made this nation so great in the beginning. No longer The United States we have become red and blue. Even though I am one of those abominations I refuse to accept it is for everyone who "thinks" they are. Too many are acting out, rebelling against society, parents, some imaginary miss justice are labeled with the new in vogue transgender label. Young lives are being destroyed. They are headed for a lifetime of regret and will never find peace in their soul. This is the same as those who truly are transgender and can't find help as they live in an internal torment their life is wrong. Suicide is the answer for both too many times.
Liberals and conservatives have stuck their ideas and ideology into a place neither belong as they have no idea of what transgender is or isn't. Without researching transgender history, medical science, transgender psychology they anoint themselves as experts of all transgender. Clueless idiots dabbling in a field of human biology and God's designs to the human genome.
The question came up which Blue states are restricting trans rights? Every single one of them if one accepts it is not up to some politician to make laws and or decisions on transgender for or against. A class of people works down to the individual. I've been labeled by the red and blue states whether I wanted or not. Laws are passed for and against me without asking me. To decide if it's right or wrong is up to each individual and it sure as hell shouldn't be up to the politicians. This belongs in medical research where it began and where advances were coming like a flood in the past fifty years.
Blue States? Yes they are messing up just as bad as the Red States if one can look at this without a filtered opinion.
"We have met the enemy and he is us." Pogo

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Too much handwaving and bobbling around the issue

Now it is 'the politicians'.

You have not denied the position that the red states are far more draconian about the issue than others.

Like it or not the State can only provide a framework to enable the individual to push for their own recognition. I thought that was what conservatives have always complained about that the state coddling their constituents with stuff like welfare and stuff.

In the end the state can only remove unreasonable barriers, to signal that we are citizens that are deserving of protection. The red states are signaling the opposite, we are pieces of crap and like Uiygurs in China deserved to be genocided and suppressed and denied who we are.

Like any minority (and as an Asian immigrant one) I am all too painfully aware that reputations take time to accumulate, to convince the populace that we are people, just like they are, no more and no less.

I still don't see any concrete list of what 'barriers' that these states are putting before us. The state I live in is not even on that list and we have the right to be nonop and still change our BC. I am post op but I was non op for a long time but the state I was born in now permits that too for non-ops. And my partner benefits from it.

Way to shift the goalposts here to shift the discussion from the State to the individual with a patchwork of arguments that don't make sense.

That list is so incomplete it is not even funny.

No matter what, the Red States are after us. TAKING AWAY rights we have to even transition. TAKING AWAY an adult's right to their own mental health and well being.

Yet you are still doing the both sides are the same crap.

Edit: Spelling stuff.

You can't both sides this one hon.

As some one who was a trans youth -- as most us us here were I'd imagine -- I can tell you 100 percent that if I had thought I could transition in high school, if I'd been allowed to pursue it... I wouldn't have regretted it one bit.

Even without the laws in place transitioning for people in their teens was very highly monitored and regulated, specifically to help mitigate cases of people regretting their choices, and there's no such thing as making any system foolproof: folks are gonna lie to get what they want even if it's bad for them, people are gonna do things because they're idiots, etc.

1 or 2 angry de-transitioners in thousands of happy, needed transitions is to be expected, and far less than the number of suicides from individuals who are denied help with/access to transitioning. Even among de-transitioners, the majority of them did so not because they weren't trans, but because other life factors made transitioning impractical or impossible. It's like if they banned all antipsychotics because a small portion of folks who get put on them didn't need them. Sure, talk about what regulations were slipped/what got by and why. Patch holes. But don't take away folks' much-needed healthcare.

Transition saves lives. Normalizing transition for those who need it -- rather than criminalizing it or treating it like some kind of controlled substance -- leads to greater acceptance and understanding of transgender people.

Barb, hon... I'm sorry, but there's no 'both sides' on trans rights right now. There's only having rights... or not.

Melanie E.

For Once

joannebarbarella's picture

Barbie Lee, admit you're wrong and please don't take a couple of hundred words to try and weasel your way out of it,

You are not their doctor

"Even though I am one of those abominations I refuse to accept it is for everyone who 'thinks' they are."

You are not their doctor so you have nothing to do with anyone else's transition. The medical professionals who are dealing with those people are the ones who make that decision. Those medical professionals do not transition everyone who comes up to them and say they are transgender. It does not matter what you accept or not. Just like it does not matter if other people accept that your medical professional made the informed decision with knowing your medical history that you should be able to transition if you so choose to do so.

With any medical procedure, there will always be a rate of people who regretted taking it. If that is a valid point then we need to outlaw every .single medical procedure which has a higher rate of regret than transgender care. The regret rate for bottom surgery is 0.3%. that is 3 out of 1,000 and for knee replacement, it is 60 out of 1,000. That is a 20 times higher regret rate. This will mean no more knee replacement surgeries, and many more standard operations which no one is having an issue with right now.

You think that somehow passing laws that state that medical professionals are the ones who should make the decision for their patients instead of the state somehow makes it so the people in favour of that are saying they know better than the professionals. That is pretzel logic. They are making laws that defer to medical professionals. That is saying let the professionals handle what they studied. So please do not try to both sides that point.


Unfiltered in this case means only from a conservative viewpoint.

So hardly unfiltered.

Even though one side is messing this up far more than the other it is typical of one side to not want to believe their side is far crappier than the other but want to do the 'both sides' thing.

It is human I suppose but based on a recent article about the brain differences between those of a conservative bent and those who are not I guess that is expected.

It would certainly explain certain things.

Like why older people may turn more conservative as the older one gets the desire for security becomes much greater and you just want the world to stay the same.

I had one older 'libertarian' coworker who openly said he won't allow his family to shop in Target anymore because they allow transwomen to use the ladies room as bad people might disguise themselves and barge in there and threaten his wife or daughters I guess.

I won a small victory when I got him to grudgingly admit that Asians had 'won' their place in American society due to generally good worth ethic and the like.

The current movement in the red states are geared to rooting out the 'undesireables', telling women what they can do with their bodies, wanting to teach creationism in schools, basically trying to impose their values on everybody.

The whole trans thing is the last straw and I will not give them the benefit of the doubt.

Please Support Your Comments to Facilitate Discussion

It would be nice if you would back up your statement with examples of how blue states are "messing up just as bad as the red states."

I live in a blue state - Minnesota. I live in an extremely liberal city - St. Paul. I haven't seen anything done by my state that is "messing up." Trans rights were declared years ago and have steadily broadened.

I would hope that I'm not living in a bubble, but I am open to that possibility.

I agree with Mel. This issue doesn't leave a lot of room for equivocation.

Tyranny starts when those who are oppressed don't resist. When I was a boy I read about Anne Frank. My big question was, "Why didn't the Jews fight back?" And then I asked, "Where were all the good people when the Nazis were doing all of that?"

There is such a thing as a moral imperative. When a moral position is self-evident it demands you act.

It is absolutely imperative that transpeople have the same rights as any other citizens. Self-affirmation is a basic right. Where am I wrong on this?

I can't for the life of me understand why people who are trans would want to align themselves with those who are attacking their rights.

Please explain.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Just when I thought I couldn't get any more depressed

laika's picture

Montana Republican Lawmaker Says The Quiet Part Out Loud:
This reveals how much they really care about the children
they're supposedly passing laws like this for.
I guess when you're waging a Culture War
you;ll accept a bit of collateral damage...

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)

Trans is Volatile Subject

BarbieLee's picture

Don't need to be Einstein to understand just how emotional almost everyone gets when transgender is brought up. Some even go past the Red Line thinking it's their God Given RIght to kill any of those freaking abominations. At least here on BCTS the murder factor is rare as an author refuses to off his or her heroine.

I love stories with the main theme where he or she finds the life they have isn't the one meant for them whether they are preteen or in the Geritol age. I feel let down in some small way when our heroine has given it a try and realizes he was only dabbling in the dark side of life (female) and it didn't fit. One reason is I struggled since I was five years old to get accepted as what I truly was. I was told by one of my psychiatrists and our own children I was the worse case of trans they had ever seen. Surprised I wasn't one of the sadist statistics, suicide. It is also the reason I research everything I can about trans and so damn happy when Medical Science finally understood it is biological not mental.

Understand one thing about trans, which it seems no one has yet figured out. There are degrees of trans. I and a few others would be the baseline. We KNOW without doubt at a very early age, as soon as we understand there are boys and girls. One girl told me she knew by age four. There are others who don't truly understand why they don't quite fit the male mold. It's not uncommon for them to figure it out when they are fifty to sixty years old. They are happy knowing what the emotional itch was but aren't going to try and fix it. Transvestite fits in this catagory as they found what emotionally helped without hormones or therapy. Some even want bigger breasts as the mark of a female and that along with cross dressing is as far as they will go.

Time for full disclosure. I have no problem performing a marriage for any couple as long as they understand this is not a short term thing. I had debates with ministers that dragged on for over two years about injecting personal emotions into what they do. I finally understood they would never understand. Some are called who never answer, some become ministers who were never called. I dropped out of the discussion group. It was frustrating as hell. Not my place to judge, I get more satisfaction talking to the livestock and pets. Great training for being in this group!

Stopping those who are truly trans from finding an emotional balance in their life is either going to drive them to suicide or a lifetime of emotional frustration. There is only one cure. Let them live the life they are driven to find.
Transitioning those who are only acting out or think they need a different life than the one they are living is as bad as the former. They are regulated to suicide or a lifetime of emotional hell when they realize the opposite sex isn't the answer to their emotional frustrations.

The place where all this belongs is back in Medical Science and sure as hell not with the politicians who are using us for political votes. I'm going to go so far as to say not a single politician has a clue to what transgender is or isn't. They never studied it, they only pass laws for or against it. Whatever the hell "IT" is.
'I’m angry that every single doctor and therapist we saw told us this was the one and only option'

We all have an opinion. Don't judge the next person by one's own life emotions and standards. In all my years I've only met one person I knew from the moment I saw her she was living a lie. He was she and failed to see herself. I visited with her for months until I said to her flat out she was a girl not a boy. Over the years she transitioned and is one of the most beautiful women I've seen and very happy with her life. Her wife wasn't that pleased and called it quits. Reads like so many stories here on BCTS. I earned no Brownie Points as I made one person happy and another unhappy. Life isn't fair
Hugs people
Life is a gift, mean to be lived, not worn until it's worn out.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Send author a message

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Boycott vs Cancel Culture...

Piper's picture

When the conservatives do it (and they do it A LOT) they call it Boycotting... Voting with their Wallets, etc. When Liberals do it, they call it "cancel Culture" and "stifling free speech". The truth is it's all the same and the only difference, is the Liberal Side is BETTER at it, and more Consistent.

Cancel Culture Rant-1.png

"She was like a butterfly, full of color and vibrancy when she chose to open her wings, yet hardly visible when she closed them."
— Geraldine Brooks

Myth vs reality

Andrea Lena's picture

All 'bold-face' emphasis mine: 10-7-2109

Over this past weekend, we saw some worrying headlines and conversations online about trans and cis people whose exploration of their gender identity involves detransition.

So let’s start with the reality: most people who transition do so without any regrets. Detransitioning is very rare, but it does happen. A research analysis showed that of the 3,398 trans patients who had appointments at an NHS Gender Identity Service between 2016 and 2017, less than one per cent said in those appointments that they had experienced transitioned-related regret, or had detransitioned. However, just because people have detransitioned it doesn’t make the experiences and existence of trans people any less valid or real.

It is important to highlight that detransition is not synonymous with regret. Although we found that a history of detransition was prevalent in our sample, this does not indicate that regret was prevalent. All existing data suggest that regret following gender affirmation is rare. For example, in a large cohort study of TGD people who underwent medical and surgical gender affirmation, rates of surgical regret among those who underwent gonadectomy were 0.6% for transgender women and 0.3% for transgender men.

Extrapolated to include the 1.4 million+ TG folks, roughly less than 850 persons nationwide de-transitioned. Yet some news agencies push LIES about the actual impact on the transgender community at large!

Justifying forced de-transition for adults as either being considered or is already law in states across the country is CRIMINAL as it would deprive over 1.4 Million citizens of their HUMAN RIGHTS!!!!!


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena