So, story starts by some guys going into gaming tournament where they participate in team battles
They get pretty far but encounter some pros
As a surprise tactic they go full dps because that’s most noob and unexpected thing to do
MC plays some elf character that has evil drow side dps mode and good high elf healer mode which can be switched
Something happens and MC gets turned into that character
Later mc discovers that she can switch these modes in reality too and heals someone
Story ends by mc explaining some side character why she can’t live realistically as a high elf with healing powers in current world.
This is as close as I could remember
Please help :D
I it is this
They don't need any rules by Lilith Langtree
Not it but looks promising
Not it but looks promising new read for me.
Oh, I'm SO checking this story out.
I've read Either Do it Right or Don't Do it at All several times but I haven't checked out most of her other stories yet. This story looks quite interesting.
Most of her stories are unfortunately unfinished.
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
This one
You're looking for I am NOT Mystique by Sleether. It can be found here.
*big hugs*
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3
Not it, but thanks. ;)
Not it, but thanks. ;)
Never be afraid to ask,
for by asking, you, and others, may learn of new things, new ideas, and new outlooks.
Thank you for the question, and while I didn't know the answer, others did, and I found new stories to read and old ones to re-read /hugs
Whisper by Sleethr has a plot that is similar to, but not an exact match, to what you've described. I've read and re-read this book many times over the years.
I suggest checking twisted universe and morphs universe stories. I recall at least a couple of stories where gamers (both paper and dice as well as video) getting changed into their game avatar resulted in a sex/gender change too.
BAK 0.25tspgirl