Miss Universe

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It looks like Trump's Project that he started in 1996 and had the rights to until 2015 has now been brought by a Thai transgender activist for an undisclosed amount of money.

What do people on this site think?
Is it something that needs to happen or something that should of happened years ago?


Needed more data

BarbieLee's picture

When one posts a news blog it helps to point to the article or at least add one's own opinion and comments.to draw in viewers and comments. The lady business tycoon who purchased the Miss Universe rights is trans herself. If any of the readers and visitors have been ogling the Thailand beauty contests it's not much of a surprise to understand some of the most beautiful women in the world are those who work at being a beautiful woman. I remember growing up reading about the Miss America Pageant and the generic measurements of those unbelievable women were 34 or 36, 22 or 24, 34 or 36. Women as a whole have lost the tiny little waste due to fast foods and less strainious work environment. How hard is it to push computer keys? The Thai beauty contests bring back those women in real life rather than our fictional stories about women with the hourglass shape. To my eternal shame I've lost mine also. The days my jeans had a 22 inch waist is so many years long gone, what is amazing is my mind even remembers. But then I have a black dress hanging my my closet. Probably ought to give it to someone who can still wear it....? Bru? Samantha? You're up ladies.
Hugs DJ
It's never too late to build more good memories. Make sure you can say, "I gave it my best."

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Pushing keys can be hard work.

When typewriters were first introduced it was thought the physical effort of using them would be too high for women. Whilst the energy required to strike one key isn't too great, it all adds up to a significant effort when you do it 100 times/minute for hours at a time :)

Beauty contest are something of an anachronism these days - doubly so if Trump had anything to do with it. Or is it that I'm just too old to bother?


I'm not sure Barb

I'm not going to deprive Samantha of the generous opportunity, especially since I've lost 10kg over the last 8 months and have a completely "new" wardrobe to play around with.

True, but of course I'm only telling you this to wind you up.

Maybe the reason is that I learnt to type on old mechanical typewriters.

It featured in yesterday's Guardian

Angharad's picture

And was still there today. I think it's just exploitation but if people want to see themselves for such crap, so be it. At least they should be more accommodating of T girls.


Don't Care

Beauty contests of any stripe are ridiculous.

That there are no popular male beauty pageants speaks volume of the imbalance of viewpoint of what a women should be for. The active collusion of women who should know better or don't care does not speak well of my gender.

This will just become just another trans pageant, a White Elephant being palmed off from Ol Orange Face. You know, lie with dogs and you get fleas.

The universe is immense

Iolanthe Portmanteaux's picture

As someone who is not much of a sports fan, I always found the idea of baseball's "world series" more than a little parochial.

But Miss Universe? Seriously? Not planning for the future with that title.

- iolanthe

I would watch a Miss Universe pageant if...

laika's picture

...if the judges had to decide whether a jellyfish-looking alien was prettier and more charming than a one eyed, one horned flying purple people eater. I would want Samuel Jackson and Lady Gaga to be among the judges. And how they decided the whole concept of "Miss" might be interesting too. Would members of sexes we never heard of be eligible?
~hugs, GnxL-7

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)


Amazing Stories

There was an episode of Amazing Stories with this premise - a bunch of space aliens object to our pageant name and insist on adding some odd-looking contestants. Weird Al plays a guy with a cabbage for a head.

Wow, I missed that one

laika's picture

I mean the whole show. The only AMAZING STORIES I've heard of is that old science fiction magazine with the great covers put out by that guy they named the Hugo awards after. And it does sound like one of the more humorous stories they would've published; a pretty obvious gag but it has potential.
~tentacle hugs, V

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)


Lady Gaga

I suspect the one eyed one horned flying purple people eater would take one look at Lady Gaga and would have the same reaction to her as we to it.

Have you seen some of her getups? OMG.

Pagents are Sujective

BarbieLee's picture

I find it flattering and kind when someone holds the door for me. When they walk halfway across the room to tell me how nice I look. They compliment me on my really white hair when it is long, wavy, or in curls. Never again will I receive wolf whistles from the guys driving down the street or the sidewalk. I lost those curves a long time ago. I believe with the second and third looks, the heads that turn to watch, the compliments, I still know how to dress for my age and figure.
Demeaning? Not a chance in h... I love it. I work hard to be an attractive woman even if I no longer have the age and body I used to. I realize there are females who think it's demeaning to be objectified any more than a man. I don't understand as long as I have studied women but I'm not a psychologist. I would have loved to be in a beauty pageant or gone to formal state dinners and wore a long formal gown. I played make believe by the time I was six and I could wear my mother's dresses. Of course they swallowed me but it was a dress and it didn't matter. I filled it out with the body of a beautiful young woman. I dreamed of being a Las Vegas Show Girl if only to walk on on the stage in costume one time.
I can't believe I'm the only girl who has ever felt having men and women admire me for my looks and figure is better than nice. I seldom got the chance because I was born and raised on a farm and worked in the trades industry to earn a living. I'm a full time woman now and jeans are for winter. Thermal jeans at that. Insulated work boots, insulated coveralls, insulated gloves, ski mask and the only thing anyone will see of me when it gets cold is my two eyeballs. Mini skirts, shell tops are out, fashion is gone with the season like the humming birds and monarch butterflies. Fashion is being comfortably warm in the dead of winter in an old farm house that is as cold inside as it is outside. The water lines freeze up several times a winter no matter how much I leave the water running. Gotta love living on a farm. I can't understand why so many kids leave the farms and never return?
Hugs people, live your life the way you want. It's what make you an individual and so unique.
Life is meant to be lived, not worn until it's worn out.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

I wonder if it is a nature

leeanna19's picture

I wonder if it is a nature-nurture thing. Women buy a lot more clothes than men, and spend more time on appearance. Is it because they are praised as children for being pretty? Boys are praised for being strong or brave.

I have had more feminist-leaning women tell me women wear high heels and suffer fashion because of men. I really don't think that is true. The women I know spend more time getting ready when they go out for "girl's night" than any other time. Competitive beauty?

I remember Miss World on TV. Apart from wishing I was the one wearing the dresses it bored me to tears. There was a male equivalent, Mr Uninverse. It was never as popular. It was a body building pagent really. Some women I knew used to comment on the size of their "packages" in thier trunks.

The idea that it exploits women I think is nonsense. No one forces these competitions on them. Forced prostitution exploits women. If someone does it of their own accord and they have the option of another job it is not explotation. It is the same as saying a man doing backbreaking physical labor exploits men.

Drag competitions are very popular on TV in the UK currently( I don't personally enjoy them) I wonder if a trans competition would lead to more acceptance.


Feminist Friends

Your Feminist Friends are right. Just because you don't want it to be so does not make it not the case.

Go ahead and immerse yourself in a woman's world where you date men and try to make them deal with you as equals on a full time basis is the only way you can figure the truth of that.

Jessica Rabbit

BarbieLee's picture

(Linda)“You watching me or Serena when we dress or change. You don’t just look, you…, look. Are you bi now?”

(Jessica)That brought a smile. “No. I’m not interested in women in that respect. I watch and take notes because women are different from men. Men get dressed. Period. Women decorate instead of dressing. Each piece of clothing is to cover their canvas, their body, with reason and purpose. They dress with purpose, not because they need a covering on their body. They are artists in a sense. The better they bring it all together, the better the final portrait.”

Me? I don't need to justify myself to any man or woman. With the exception of one ungodly beautiful and intelligent woman who was my best friend, I've never been interested in either sex. If one sets their standards by what others think, are they true to themselves or part of the herd? I use makeup, wear jewelry, and I dress to please myself. The western skirt,white silk blouse, leather vest, fringed leather jacket and black western felt hat is all for me. The slim, lined, back skirt and black shell top just feels yummy. I don't think anything gets more sexy than that. It draws loads of attention. I own several different outfits and even own the professional pin stripped business suit with a hint of pink in the stripes.

With jeans the wide, painted, western belt has Barbie engraved on the back. Of course the big silver western belt buckle is a part of the attire. Bought the belt buckle when I was still in Jr. High. Cost me a weeks adult wages.I'm not saying what it might cost for one like it today. Not all my jewelry is zerconia and fake silver. One lady asked if I was Barbie or if it was a nickname? Compliments from both sexes are nice and assures me I did it right. My primary target to please is myself just like my writing. I'm the most selfish person in the world. I dress to please me, I write to please me, I cook to please me, etc. I live on a farm in the middle of no where. Again because it is what I wanted all my life.

Women watch women and I'm no exception. I have studied women all my life. Especially the exceptionally outstanding ones. How did they achieve the look they have? Not all are beauty queens but they know how to bring it all together to be attractive. Does anyone pay attention to the little details, the lipstick, the color of the fingernails or the shape. Does the perfume they are wearing match their attire or does it jar the senses? Dressed really nice but did they have to ruin it all with sneakers?
Yesterday I complimented two women on their hair. One was a dishwater blond, fanned out across her back and spread across her buttox. It was truly beautiful like a waterfall of silken hair.

Anyone old enough to know what "ratting one's hair" means? The second lady had one of the most dense heads of hair I had ever seen. She had back brushed it to bring everything in close. It wasn't black or brown but in the middle. She was in the check out line ahead of me. I had a wonderful conversation for about ten minutes with her. Her hairstyle may have been from the sixties, she wasn't that old, more like thirty, but it fit her perfectly. She wasn't wearing makeup but didn't need it. A very pretty lady.

I don't go around striking up conversations with everyone in every store but if they are above average I'm going to compliment them just as others compliment me. In all my years I never met one who didn't appreciate the compliment. Try it, but be sincere when one does. Otherwise it will fall flat.

One of the things I wasn't selfish about was my love for Jean. She received all my love without any attachments. The only time I have questioned God, was why didn't i die too when cancer took her from me. The last thing she said to me. "Hold me." It's been over sixteen years. In the darkest part of the night when the tears are falling, I reach over to her side of the bed where her hand was always waiting. I ask her, "Please hold me."
Hugs Kimmie
Have fun with life. It's too short to take seriously. Today is the only day one can count on. Tomorrow may not be there.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Danica Patrick

BarbieLee's picture

"I'm a girl and I like looking. I'm sure the guys do too."

Ladies, this woman is all female. She gained even more fame as a race car driver. Watching females all my life I know they look at other women the same as me. Doesn't mean they are lesbian. We scope out the competition so to speak. Even beauty contests what is the latest hotest measurements for women?
Hugs People
Differences of likes dislikes, ideas is what makes all of us so unique. Gov hates free thinkers.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

So when a lesbian woman wears

leeanna19's picture

So when a lesbian woman wears high heels it's because they have to for men? What about a trans woman that has no interest in men? People wear fashion because they make them look good and feel good. No one holds a gun to their head.


Male admiration

Funny, I have never gotten off on male admiration of me. If I wanted to I could've easily gotten a man to marry me years ago. Shoot, a little plastic surgery now that I am 60 can easily make me look like in my mid-thirties (no I am not bragging, I look like in my mid 40s or so without surgery) and I would be an absolute MILF.

There is a lot of crap attention from men I am happy to do without, I just have to like myself. I rarely wear makeup, not even lippy or eyeshadow, Flat feet means no heels, I still weigh only about 120 pounds at about your height. I don't want to be 'taken care of' by them as so many stupid women seem to love, it is a trap, a way to lose ones' independence and a way to lose respect from men as it ultimately validates their world view that women are only good to warm their bed and have their children and is a costly little necessary evil.

A lot of men don't like independent women as that means they have no control, which they hate.

Men? What ever.


Can be cold, but when Valvoline (I think) capped the wells, one on grandma’s family’s farm had enough pressure that grandpa’s farmhouse had free gas heat. Never cold there except when the line froze. How they afforded a mile of pipe? All who knew are long gone.

Oil-Gas Drilling Back When

BarbieLee's picture

They used to be a whole lot nicer about dealing with land owners when they drilled on people's property. If they brought in a gas well they would share without any charge the gas to the land owner's home. After all it was the owner's gas they were taking and selling, wasn't it? The company would put in a gas line from the well to the owner's home.
The oil companies grew greedy, less friendly and wanted it all. State laws were changed. They drilled on people's property whether the owner wanted it or not. They had the law, the lawyers, the courts, and the money to buy any judge, grease any politician's palm with cash.
There is a gas well less than three hundred feet from mom and dad's house. They drilled it without leasing the drilling and mineral rights.They put the gas compressor less than a hundred feet from the house and it runs twenty four seven. Think of a big diesel semi outside your bedroom window. They laid a six inch collection line to the well so they could charge gas transportation charges to the main line.
Like so many other property owners I lost everything I had and then some fighting them in court. Everything they did was illegal but they own the courts and government and my lawyer. The U.S. won't survive without oil and gas. Society won't survive without the thousands of products made from oil and gas.
I pray for the people who own, those who drill the wells, the oil and gas companies, to Rot in Hell for what they have done and what they have become.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

You should run

For Texas railroad commissioner. Or is that run from the railroad commissioner? I forget.

(For those unfamiliar with Lone Star guvm’t, that office regulates oil & gas. Hope you didn’t expect something that makes sense,)


Can be cold, but when Valvoline (I think) capped the wells, one on grandma’s family’s farm had enough pressure that grandpa’s farmhouse had free gas heat. Never cold there except when the line froze. How they afforded a mile of pipe? All who knew are long gone.

This does not surprise me

It seems like the pursuit of female beauty should lie with people who truly appreciate it.
While I can understand the viewpoint of women, especially when you look at the pageants of old, I have to say that I have always nursed the idea of walking the catwalk in my prime.
In my mind then, I wanted to be admired as a woman by men. Is that bad?
As for dressing for men, I like to think that I dress for myself. The advantage of being a woman is that we have so much choice that we can dress how we feel, or how we want to feel. Sometimes that can be sexy, as in "if you ask nicely I could be interested".
Sometimes I think that women do not fully appreciate their advantages ... the way we do.
Sure, the cult of (unrealistic) beauty can be hard on some women, but it is harder for us (?)
Humans like beautiful things - flowers and art and views. Such things make us feel good.
I think we over complicate things.

I agree Maryanne. My mother

leeanna19's picture

I agree Maryanne. My mother is 85 at Christmas. She loves getting her nails and hair done. She doesn't do it for men. I think women generally appreciate beauty more than men. I have never been one for flowers. Most women I know love flowers. They just remind me of funerals.

The few time I have been with men. It is intoxicating being complimented on your appearance. I would have dressed the same had they not been there though.


Why compete in a real pageant?

0.25tspgirl's picture

Money. Winners receive cash, scholarships, endorsements, and it goes on your CV. Many miss USA winners have gone on to entertainment careers. Most have college/university paid for. Before Paris and Kim pageants were a good path to celebrityhood. America’s got talent and it’s cousin shows are competition based on the talent part of the pageant.

BAK 0.25tspgirl