Story update 2

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Hi everyone.

I have finally been able to replace my laptop and home server unite. Thank you to all of you who have sent me your digital copies of my books and stories. Because of your generosity I have been able to rebuild 85% of my database for my stories. I have also been able to recover 60% of my notes. Unfortunately, I was unable to recover my notes and the next chapters for Eleven Question, Black Sword, Interview with Lolita, and Maid wore Black. Because of this setback it’ll take me longer to post the next chapters for those stories. Simply because I need to rebuild the files containing the notes on those stories. Please be patient.


Theme from Jeopardy playing in the background

BobbieCD56's picture

LOL..... They do say patience is a virtue. (Unfortunately, most of us here are not what a lot of folks would call exactly virtuous, but oh well.)

Don't worry about the time. Your stories are worth waiting for.
When you get things pulled back together we'll still be here.
Just concentrate on recovering from recent difficulties.

Of course!

D. Eden's picture

And I am absolutely sure that whatever you produce will be worth the wait!

D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

As much as I distrust cloud services....

MadTech01's picture

As much as I distrust cloud services I am starting to see their great value for protection against physical theft, fire, flood, etc....

My main issue is their terms of service that say they can check your content for violation of their code of moral rules. Sl many stories could be in violation just for mentioning sex, LGBT, etc...

And then you open your self to having you data hacked. I would suggest getting a decent sized safe, they even make then to function as furniture now (sofas and coffee tables), and keep a physical backup inside there. But like everyone you can only do what you finances will allow.

"Cortana is watching you!"

Flash drives

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

Flash drives are insanely huge these days. So even if you have a lot to back up it can be done quickly using a flash drive (thumb drive) . I have a 128GB ScanDisk. That is more than enough to back up all my writing, everything I've produce or downloaded on this computer since I got it six years ago. It takes about 10 seconds to copy my entire word-processing directory. I make a habit of running the back up at the end of each day that I produce anything new.

Thumb drives can be as large as 1TB. With that, I could backup my entire D drive if it was completely full. I doubt it would get done in ten seconds but still it could be done.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

If you're concerned about

If you're concerned about that, you simply create an encrypted backup and sync that with the cloud.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

Offsite storage

A while back I created a small server cluster off of terabyte external hard drive‘s link to a raspberry pi controller with wireless access and have it in an offsite storage facility essentially creating my own secure cloud back up and I use that as my offsite storage for everything and as long as I’m paying for the storage facility it’s in a secure location and not in any real risk of physical theft It’s a quasi-expensive solution but I use the storage facility anyway So it’s worth the expense of the facility and the hardware is not all that expensive just takes a bit of hardware and software knowledge