For some reason (that is beyond my understanding) several people seem to have gotten the mistaken idea that I've abandoned this story. This couldn't be further from the truth. I do admit to falling way behind where I expected to be, but it's far from abandoned. (1st draft of Chapter 13 is complete, and 14 has been started - barely). (Historically, once I get a chapter close to where I want it, it generally takes two weeks to get through my four overworked editors and finally get into a shape where I can consider posting it. Sorry, but that's just what it takes, even with e-mail. I could go faster - and eliminate editors BUT, several of you complained when there were fewer... *sighs* "Can't please everyone, so I please myself." - R. Nelson)
I'm afraid I've let several things get into the way. The biggest, was "The Reluctant Bridesmaid" (a story that was FAR better received than "Hidden Gifts" has ever been). I've also done quite a bit of editing in the past few months... Doing even a halfway decent proofing/editing takes time (While I do, at best, a medocre job, I try hard). Then, there's this thing called Real Life. I know that many feel it is overrated, but I find that it seems to intrude in my time for writing. Funny thing, it's been more intrusive since I came out to my spouse... Go figure. (I'm not complaining, mind you. :) But hey...)
In any event, I guess this blog is here to say I'm sorry it's been so long since the last chapter posted and I am working on rectifying this. I've some other projects that are percolating in my head - that may intrude again, and I'll apologize in advance there.
Thanks, to the three of you that got this far.
I'm not sure how anyone
I'm not sure how anyone could think that you would abandon such a wonderful story.
Here's to many more wonderful chapters of this story, and of any other stories you may come up with!
It's simple really
It's simple really all you need to know is the time look in the amount of time from one update to another let alone how fast Karen has been getting her updates out. Now granted this story hasn't been the most popular for this author but I for one really love this type of universe and I try to read through them as soon as they come out and also have them saved on my computer for reading them much later.
Maybe I should abandon it.
Or, at least bring it to an abrupt ending. *sighs* The project was probably more than I should have attempted.
Please Don't!
PLEASE don't abandon it! I REALLY enjoy your story, as do Karen and Many others!
Why would you really do such a thing?
Why I really like this one. I like this type of story because there are so many ways to relate to it that we wish there were such places as this these schools there may be a few areas that we don't totally agree with such as a shooting range but at the same time we don't need to agree with everything. I'm a fan of yours but this is a much better story then most of your other ones in my opinion but they don't grab me like this one does. I may hate waiting for the updates as long as they do but I can understand why you take that long and would truly hate for you to give up on it I have gone to a lot of sites and seen to many stories abandon and I really hate that cause to me it shows that the author doesn't really care about the fans. Please don't abandon it or if you do wait until you finish the year first Please!!!!!!!
Sorry, I don't plan on "ending" this...
story - until I've resolved some important issues. And, that'll be a while.
I just get frustrated by people complaining about how long it's taken. The time frustrates me as well, though that doesn't seem to matter to those that complain.
So, to any who were dismayed by my flippant remark, I appologize. I doubt I can write the story faster. I could, reduce the chapter size, to something more in line with the others in the universe. That would lead to faster posting... Though, the total amount of the story posted wouldn't change much.