Hi friends. Been… quite a while since I actually put my fingers to the keyboard on this site, for a wide variety of reasons. But it’s been driving me insane, and after spending ENTIRELY too long banging my head against the search engine, I have to ask:
Does anyone remember a sci-fi story about a private investigator who is hired to investigate some organized crime type deal, but is slowly feminized by changes to his “template”, a body reset thing that’s used to keep people in perfect health. I remember these changes eventually being taken to the extreme when someone’s template gets corrupted into that of a dog. Could have sworn it was on this site, and I remember the world-building being impeccable, but this was… five years ago anyway? Maybe more? Anywho, if you have any inkling of what the hell I’m talking about, shoot me a message and save my soul. Love y’all.
Old story
Changes in paradise by Raine I think.
Time is the longest distance to your destination.
Looked up the link
That link is dead but you get to the book by following this one and clicking on the authors page on Amazon.
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
That's the one
Thank you both!
Two books collected into one
New link: Changes in Paradise on Kindle
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Thank you!
Thank you, Erin for updating the Link. It's now a two book set. The next book will be titled "Lost in Paradise," now that I've finished Metempsychosis.