Anyone need cover art?

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I have a great Artist I work with. He goes by the moniker Troll and accepts pretty low cost commissions. He does all the artwork for my books I am coming out with. Including my profile pic and my work on my first novel here. (See below for the artwork). With his permission I have posted a few other examples of his work here. He also makes a webcomic on his own website and webtoons.

However, I know how much a little bit of cover art and chapter art goes for our stories we decide to post to the world and if anyone wants to discuss art needs with him I'll gladly get you in touch.

On to the Artwork in Question. (Posted with Permission from Troll Esolar Bol)

My profile Pic
a.n. ominous LR.jpg

Summoned: An Accidental Adventure Cover
Book Cover Chapter Art.jpg

Asleep at the Wheel Original Art - Troll Esolar Bol
asleep at the wheel 2 LR.jpg

Castles in the Sky Original Art - Troll Esolar Bol
castles in the sky LR.jpg

This art

Daphne Xu's picture

... is great!

Does he create at DeviantArt?

-- Daphne Xu

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