I once read a story I remember as being about a teenage boy dressing up as a girl as part of their Halloween costume, going to a 'feast of the Hunter's Moon'-type festival happening that day or around that time — I don't think they were testing their costume out early, but perhaps they might've been? —, met a gypsy or similar in a tent there who told them their fortune, and then got transformed into a real girl either right then or shortly thereafter before having to adjust to the change. I tried looking it up, but I couldn't find it. Does anyone happen to recall the piece I'm talking about? If so, I'd appreciate it; a link, or at least a title and author to search for, would be great.
Maybe this one?
The Gypsy Stone
Gumby - I'm flexible
"Imagination is more important, than knowledge" - Albert Einstein
“The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds
new discoveries, is not ‘Eureka!’, but ‘that’s funny…’” - Isaac Asimov
Re: Maybe this one?
Huh, yeah, I think that's it. I thought I'd seen it here on BigCloset, but apparently it was over there on FictionMania. Thanks!
Always with a song in their heart.
Lyrical magical, confound it all; I've gone and gotten myself stuck lost somewhere deep in the Infinity Library again…
Re: Re: Maybe this one?
(Very belatedly. Apologies for thread necromancy, but I didn't feel a new thread was warranted.)
Well, I said that was the right story, but later I realized that, no, it wasn't the one I'd been thinking of. I've been trying to find the right one again lately, and I still can't.
For additional context, here's what else I can remember about the story in question:
Any help finding this story from anyone would be greatly appreciated. I enjoyed it; it was cute. I'd kind of really like to read it again. Not being able to locate it is frustrating.
I know it isn't either of:
I've read those again recently.
Always with a song in their heart.
Lyrical magical, confound it all; I've gone and gotten myself stuck lost somewhere deep in the Infinity Library again…
Re: Re: Re: Maybe this one?
And it isn't either of:
Always with a song in their heart.
Lyrical magical, confound it all; I've gone and gotten myself stuck lost somewhere deep in the Infinity Library again…