Firsr off please escuse the atrocious typing, it will be explained later. I live in the cold blerry midwest, specfically Davepoirt, Iowa. After our normqal meeting on Skype to let eveyone know what eveyone else would be doing, I welt to get on my car and go to anotehr school building that keeded my attention.
For thosie not familiar with the weater in the upper midwest of the can be quite bitter. it's not unusual to see it drop to -25 F or even lower this time of year. I apparetly found a very slippery spot on the ice and did not make it to my car.
That was tueday morning, I work up Wednesday morning in the ICU after being airlifted to a hosopital in Iowa City, Iowa that has a nerosurgeon on staff due to internal bleeding inside my head.
Having spent a good deal of time in that area……
A few years back starting up a new operation, I have seen the winters in Iowa. I spent a few very cold and miserable months there one year, and as I live in upstate NY, I know a little bit about cold, lol.
Anyway, I hope that your stay in the hospital is short and that you are OK. The human body is a very versatile machine, but it can be very fragile as well.
Get well, and remember that you have a lot of people who care about you!
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Get well soon
I hope you make a full recovery
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
Please get well
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
you need to take care of you. a lot of hospital and similar networks wont allow you to get anywhere near a site like bcts. do what they tell you and get better so you can escape their clutches. all they are gonna do is put another hole in your head......nothing real major.
He's up!
The good news is that you woke up! The better news is that you are capable of coherent thought and typing.
Get well!!
Darling you KNOW!
This is where everyone chimes in and tells you about uncle Bill, or aunt Lucy slipping on the icy sidewalk. Well everyone does if they are out and about in icy conditions. I lived through all those sudden impacts and so you will. Hugs hon, enjoy the beautiful nurses and the scrumptious hospital food.
Hugs Doll
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Not Uncle Bill slipping
on the sidewalk... but it was me and I was in Almaty, Kazakhstan. Ankle went outwards and three ligaments went snap.
Didn't get the chance to sample the KZ hospital food but 10 days in the care of the NHS left me hungry. Rabbit food is ok for rabbits but... Salads every day?
Take care on the ice people and keep warm.
(puts another log on the fire)
Rabbit Food?
Look at how cute, cuddly, warm, and precious rabbits turn out to be. Do you want to be a plain ol ordinary girl or a rabbit girl? Think we can get Nuunan to go on a rabbit diet? Besides they are pretty steady even on ice.
Hugs Sam
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
The good news?
The good news?
You're awake. That's a sign that you're getting better.
The better news?
It didn't happen in your vehicle. That would have taken out your car, and possibly compounded the injuries with others.
Take your time, take it slowly, and you'll be back to your normal soon.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Oh no!
Hoping your recovery is swift, yikes! That sounds awfully scary. :/ -offers hugs if you need!-
Hang in Nuuan, My prayers are with you.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
wow, I hope you recover fully!
sending healing huggles your way
Davenport IA
Or. . .as we call it. . .The Tropics.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)