I received another call from my brother. My mom is now spending every night in the hospital. He will not be coming out for Christmas. He has a good chance for a turn around, but he needs to walk around to get his body moving. This is needed to get bodily functions moving normally. There is fluid build up in the lungs. Pneumonia has not set in yet. They are going to try to find the next blockage.
These doctors are not my dad's doctors. His heart doctor just happened to go out of country the day he went in. Bad timing. So we are relying on doctors who have no idea or guessing what is needed to be done. The doctors are being defensive and not saying much.
My brother tells me that six of the eleven lymph glands have cancer. I still don't know the spread to the other organs.
My brother tells me my dad is uncomfortable because he is not digesting food. He is on a liquid diet. They removed the tube to see if he can breathe on his own. Bile is backing up.
Everyone down there is trying hard as they can to push the doctors for action. There was one doctor they definitely had to take off the case in the beginning.
My brother tells me to still come down Wednesday. I will be getting another call Tuesday evening.
I sit here and realize there is nothing I can do about it. All I have to do is wait until Wednesday and drive down there safely. I know my mom is in deep prayer. I know her emotions are worn out. I know many friends are praying.
Here is a plea to any who reads this blog. If you have not signed up for a colonoscopy, do it now. Some doctors reccommend to begin at 40 and do it every five years.
All I can do is take it day by day. Thank you for your prayers.
You and your dad have my prayers. God Bless You.
Me, also
God bless you and your family.
The doctor that did my colonoscopy said it's every ten years, but then there is nothing like this in my family, just heart attacks and strokes. I suspect with your history every 5 years is better.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
I know how it feels
My mother, and us, I mean we saw the swelling on her neck and should have said something, ignored easily treatable thyroid cancer until it was too late.
She was almost 79 when she died so maybe it was a subconscious choice to go, that she'd had long enough.
Best of luck whatever the outcome.
I don't mean to be rude but make sure all his financial cards are in order. Bank accounts need to be titled so whoever he wants to get them does not have to do thru probate and pay unnecessary taxes. In Wisconsin a joint account does this. Also make sure all insurance policies are up to date and easy to locate including any GI plans if he was in the service. Make sure the will is up to date and correct. Taking care of this ahead of time will ease the troubled times if and when they come.
I hope for a recovery but it sounds serious. I’m so sorry.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa