Murder Mystery Games

Like me, I'm sure that many readers love those stories where circumstances conspire (through accident or design) to force the protagonist into women's clothes. The problem that every author has to overcome is to find a credible device for achieving that. Wet clothes, lost suitcases, mix up of fancy-dress sizes are all devices which, with a bit of effort, can be made reasonably plausible, but even they can be verging on the limits of credibility, and many others are way over the limit.

The device that I have used in my latest story, "Not the Cup Final", is one I personally haven't seen in fiction before - the Murder Mystery Game. But I can tell you that, although every other part of the story is totally fictitious, this device works in real life exactly as it appears in the story.

Apart from an unashamed plug for my story, I'd be interested to learn of any other stories which use all-female Murder Mystery Games as the device, and any other devices which readers feel are plausible ie, they could happen in real life.