Hi everyone,
My first two installments of Kate Draffen reached 5,000 hits this week and I just wanted to thank everyone who has read my story. Big Closet has been such a rewarding place to post my stories and I am so glad I came across this fantastic place. To everyone who has read or commented on my story. Thank you so very much for making me feel welcome.
Thank you for posting
I hate to say this but I don't read everything posted here, especially the longer stuff but yours I have been following with much interest.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Even my friends don't read my stuff.
I think I have three fans; no kidding. They seem to be a faithful following, though. There are a couple people who are my friends and they don't read my stuff. I can't figure it out and a few times, like some of the rest of us, I wonder why I bother. It has to be for me.
Apologies Gwen
Dear Gwen,
I am feeling rather guilty. I would like to be thought of as a friend and yet I am one of those who don't read your work. Actually I read very little of the tales here. Not because I don't think they are excellent but because I just don't have much time to spend here. And when I do I seem to get caught up in the immediacy of comments! I have to fight to find time to occasionally write. I am probably just too egocentric. :) You have always been so very kind and encouraging about my own scribbles though and I feel bad about it. I will try and do better next time.
On a general note the number of comments one gets, or indeed the number of readers has nothing to do with the quality of what you have written. i am just unable to work it out. Some episodes of DofC for example show over twice as many readers as others. In a quite irregular fashion. It is not that the numbers tail off .... it is just that many people have apparently skipped some episodes. Or maybe they are all different people? Maybe no single person has ever read more than one episode. Now there is a sobering thought. :) I think that what is at the root of the problem is that the number of people who are seen to have 'hit' on a story aren't necessarily the number of people that have read it. Why have five times the number of people looked at some of my work than have looked at 'Yellow the Leaves of the Rowan' for instance. It isn't that the latter is not as good because how would a reader know if it is good or bad if they haven't read it? Or even know whether they would like it or not? Comments on it were glowing. Is it just the title? Or because there was poetry involved and that frightens some? In addition it is a self contained short story when so many claim that they don't like serials. I just don't know but it certainly has nothing to do with quality, good or bad as it may be.
Best, as you say, to just do write for yourself. And never, ever get into the numbers game. Anyway it is a liberating experience to write what you want to write without any other consideration.
Again my apologies to you. And to Swishy my congratulations. Whatever I have here written 5,000 is an impressive landmark. Well done.
pretty swish
That's not at all bad, er good actually. Gotta watch those ironic understatement things, people misconstrue. Damn fine tale Swishy, from one Aussie to another, it's a bloody beauty. I'm a couple of eps behind but so far it hasn't faulted and I'm sure it won't. Like Erin said, thanks for posting it.