Looking for a story

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I am looking for a story that I read years ago.
A young man's parents are going to be going away with him for a company event and he does not want to go. The night before departure, he tries to dye his hair, and they make him go where he must portray himself as a teen young lady.

Not sure if anyone else has read this, and as I said it has been many years.

Thank You,


I know a couple or so that partially matches

Jena Corso ~ A Christmas Carol Fictionmania

Son whom has to portray daughterhood, so as to trick the Man hating Grandmother, who refuses to leave her vast fortune to neither a male nore her heterosexual daughter, whom refused to be a lesbian despite consistant manipulation to become so. Transformation begins just before taking off for the travel/trip there (hence the simularity) It is broken up into several parts/installments.

Sarah Goodwoman ~ Harmless Little Lie: Fictionmania

Husband/Father lies during a company meeting to show diversity in hopes of securing a plausable promotion, claiming son to be his transgender MTF daughter, which reaches the child's school & becomes a consistant burden from the grief he begins recieving from his classmates. (Hence the Simularity) It is broken up into several parts/installments.

Several Series by Janet Stickney's Fictionmania match your discriptions.

There are so many others, associated with Son's deception of a daughter for the Career's of their parents.

I have bipassed a few stories many at FM before which may have relavince but cannot be certain, its tales of a mother who only has a son & they are having a work retreat/party & makes over her son for both the benefits & because like most mother's a chance to have the daughter she has been deprived.

If I think of more I will try to let u know, hope I have been of adequette assistance

Amelia Rosewood Year two.png

With Love and Light, and Smiles so Bright!

Erin Amelia Fletcher

Thank you

I know it is not either of those. Been looking on fictionmania for it for over a year now.
They went to an island - I remember bits and pieces of it - but not the names
Mom takes him into the town one day to shop, he meets a young man while there, all types of fun, and I kept thinking it sounded like a Janet Stickney type story, but it did not resemble any of the synopsis on her page in fictionmania or in storysite.

Dad’s working vacation……..

D. Eden's picture

Or something along those lines. One of my favorites too.

I believe it was on here, but I haven’t read it in a long time.

D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

Thank You

That is the one. I guess author removed story as it is not longer available under there author name? or maybe with the different changes over the years I need to relearn how to directly access it. At least now I can read it through your link.
Thank You,