Updating Deadname Bylines

Columbia Journalism Review's daily newsletter had a link today to this story from CNN Business:

(The link:) 'It's Just Human Dignity': Trans writers and journalists truggle to get old bylines corrected

By Rachel Metz and Kerry Flynn, CNN Business
Updated 1258 GMT (2058 HKT) June 1, 2021

When Theresa Tanenbaum transitioned in 2019, she changed her name and began a years-long quest to correct the one she was given at birth — her deadname — on dozens of academic papers she published over the years.

For Tanenbaum, an associate professor at the University of California, Irvine who studies the theory and practice of interactive storytelling, there's a lot on the line. These papers — 83 publications across 15 publishers — catalog her work over more than a decade. But when she began asking publishers to correct her name on them, some said yes while others refused or ignored her.

As the title indicates, a major focus is on more general writing credits: people trying to get their old bylines updated in archived copies of the publications in which they appeared -- preferably without the usual footnote when a news report is corrected online explaining the change,
