I just had to post another video link. Here is Nikki Gordon-Bloomfield making an on point statement that is completely off topic for their You Tube channel.
I know that we have been pushing more political commentary than is probably appropriate on this forum. Still we all share a set of interests, experiences and perspectives, as well as some level of activist spirit.
Current events in Texas and elsewhere across the US are leading to direct and indirect harm to real people. Many of them children. What is worse is that those pushing these laws are endangering a tiny powerless minority to create a wedge issue based on fear and lies. These laws will lead to deaths that would have been avoided.
Who else are we willing to sacrifice to preserve the power of a smaller and smaller cadre of racist, sexist, bigots who continue to confuse slight elevations in the wellbeing of a few as an attack on their "right to rule"?
AKA Crash
It was heartbreaking to see how hard their spokeswoman
was working to keep from crying as she delivered that message.
Her group---like BCTS---has a purpose that isn't political
and I'm sure would prefer to stay out of such matters.
But when those matters directly attack folks like us the situation
and what it's necessary to (at the very least) discuss
have changed; and we deny that at our own peril.
~hugs, Veronica
(It's always the same old tune...)
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Do you still think you can control them?
I had a girlfriend in junior high who was the daughter of one of those one-per-centers, as we call them now. She was amazing. I sometimes wish that I had kept in touch with her. But her folks did not like me much. Anyway. One of our dates was to see Cabaret as a new release. The movie very much struck me.
Perhaps it is ironic that it is available for $4US on Amazon Prime right now.
Your friend
Sometimes. . ..
. . .honoring our humanity means we have to speak.
Last Wednesday, I received one of those videos the far-right passes around from long-time friend of mine. It was a video of a fascist pig badgering a trans witness at some sort of political event.
I'd had enough. I sent back an email to him telling him exactly how I feel about willfully ignorant scum.
My friend and I have done hundreds of thousand of dollars of commerce over the last thirty years. I make about $20,000 a year from him and he makes at least that through my efforts.
I lashed out at one of my top relationships about a year ago for making similar remarks.
I'm through being silent.
Business and friendship are no reason to accept this trash.
I get it. My friend was a Marine. He's a staunch Catolic. He's almost 80 years old. He's got all sorts of nonsense being forced fed to him by Tucker Carlson and his parish priest, et al, every day.
He's also dead wrong.
Laika - your slice of Cabaret is chilling. We forget how many parallels are clearly happening.
We also forget how horribly strong the Nazi Party was in the U.S. in the late thirties. We forget how strong the Nazi party was in the UK even while London was being bombed. King Edward the VIII apparently played footsie with Hitler in an attempt to regain power (over-simplification -- if good enough for The Crown. . . .).
Racism is rampant in our country. Transphobia is strong because the hatred that fires racism is it's first cousin.
The reports of how much the politicians are gathering in contributions for spewing this hate makes it clear why the politicians are willing to lie and throw children into a world of pain and suffering.
Erin - would it be simple to create a blog space that is off the front page but readily available for those who wish to talk politics?
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
A glass of wine
I'd love to buy you a glass of wine, or a similar libation of your choice some time and just chat about life, the universe and everything. It'll probably never happen but it would be fun if it could.
Your friend
Sanity And Humanity Versus Pure Evil
The clip of the lady from Transport Evolved (who I had never heard of) is a very eloquent statement of the barbarism that may soon be enacted in many parts of the US.
The clip from Cabaret demonstrates why that movie was not "just a musical" and has always been to me the most chilling sequence in the film and a dire warning of how a democracy can be turned into a dictatorship virtually overnight.
I do not consider it "political" in the sense of conventional partisanship to oppose malicious and evil treatment of transgender children, their parents and medical support staff. The total cynicism and opportunism behind these proposed laws is breathtaking.
Auschwitz is only one goose-step away.
Copying Resources
Has anybody been able to copy the resources listed into some kind of a .doc or .docx file? I can see there are some potentially valuable resources there; both for myself and my sister. But laboriously copying them by hand is tedious and potentially damaging to my wrist and hand. A lifetime of repetitive hand and wrist motions have left them pretty screwed up. And the few resources this older Android tablet has don't seem to be able to do a copy/paste on them. Any help would be appreciated.
They know they can survive
Just noticed this request
I'm sorry that I'm so slow to respond and I hope this finds you. Find below a copy-n-paste of the details from the video I shared above.
Presenter: Nikki Gordon-Bloomfield on behalf of Transport Evolved, LLC.
Script: The entire Transport Evolved Team
Produced: Transport Evolved
If you’re in crisis, please seek help -
US National Suicide Prevention Lifeline -
Trans Lifeline -
• Information from Equality Texas on legislative attacks on trans people in the state. -
• Tool for tracking anti-transgender legislation in the USA -
• CDC report on vulnerabilities in transgender high school students -
• Transgender children supported in their identities show positive mental health (University of Washington) -
• American Academy of Pediatrics on providing comprehensive care to transgender youth - https://pediatrics.aappublications.or...
• NYT Times Opinion | What South Dakota Doesn’t Get About Transgender Children (Published 2020) -
• National Transgender Equality Center’s list of help resources -
• The Trevor Project: Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention for LGBTQ Youth -
• GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders -
• The National Transgender Law Center’s Action Center page -
• Community-led founding for grassroots trans justice programs - https://www.transjusticefundingprojec...
• The National Equality Action Team -
• GLAAD’s Tools for allies of trans people -
Your friend
As she said
Most of these anti T bills are fund raising through fear and ignorance. I believe there were 28 states with bills to deny any medical support and possibly charge medical and parents for child abuse. However most of those will never progress further than getting out of committee, if even that, and then denied in chambers.
I won't quite call both sides using fear mongering but it's close. I have communicated with my governor along with many others, senators, congressmen both national and state. Almost to a man and woman the response is the anti T bills are DOA. I strongly recommend everyone get involved, if they have skin in the game, to contact their own state exec and legislative representatives. My opinon to those not of my own state carry less importance but at least I am putting my "ultra conservative ideas and facts" in front of them. I know most on this site don't agree with me. That's fine but at least let your representatives know what you think and believe. Even us one percenters deserve more than to be a favorite whipping boy and fund raising tool.
"A Plea From the One Percent of the Population"
Don't waste this life wishing someone else would make a difference. GET INVOLVED!
From my parents and my labors, from this farm, food and cotton for clothes has gone all over the world. We made a difference. I know it wasn't enough, but I won't be ashamed when I am summoned home. I am even pleased He made me as I am despite all the hardships and pain. A hell of a ride!
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Laws - not just proposals. <<< the legislature overrode the governor's veto - it's law. The legislators declined to ask a single question of the parents who pleaded against the bill. The latest buzz words for transgender care - 'chemical castration,' which is now being widely quoted across the country in political conferences and rallies.
"Case in point: Bias against transgender people, who have become a favored target of legislators in red states. A California law designed to combat this campaign elsewhere is now in the crosshairs of those who wish to narrow the civil rights of this beleaguered group.
The California law, passed in 2016 as AB 1887, is now before the U.S. Supreme Court, thanks to a claim by Texas that it infringes on that state’s right to practice as much gender discrimination as it pleases." In other words, Texas wants to invalidate laws in OTHER states that protect the trans community.
I have a friend who may be forced to leave Texas because her care for her trans daughter is now being construed as child abuse. The problem is that these legislators are already ignoring medical experts and the APA. ACROSS THE COUNTRY.
Love, Andrea Lena
After misrepresenting transgender health care as genital mutilation, Paul (R-Ky.), an ophthalmologist, asked Levine, an openly transgender pediatrician, whether minors should be able to request hormone therapy and gender-affirming surgery.
“You’re willing to let a minor take things that prevent their puberty and you think they get that back?” Paul said. “You give a woman testosterone enough that she grows a beard, you think she’s going to go back looking like a woman when you stop the testosterone? You have permanently changed them.”
Former President Donald Trump on Thursday blasted Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson for vetoing a bill that bans gender reassignment treatments or surgery for minors.
The former commander-in-chief called Hutchinson a “lightweight” and a “RINO,” or “Republican in name only,” for rejecting legislation that Trump said “banned the CHEMICAL CASTRATION OF CHILDREN.”
Love, Andrea Lena
No 'gender confirming surgery' is permitted anywhere in the United States for anyone under the age of 18.
Love, Andrea Lena
Love the Debate
One of the comments, in the U.S. no one under 18 is allowed SRS. That hasn't changed since Harry Benjamin's misdiagnoses on transgender. Mexico has no such restrictions but..., if one has read some of the horror stories coming from there..., There are other nations without an age hangup but diligent research is strongly advised.
Let's focus on the home problems. Yes us one percenters are taking a licking in the state legislatures but we also have a few advocates on our side and most of the discrimination bills have been shot down. I pray this goes all the way to the Supreme Court and they see it as discrimination against the smallest minority. It will probably be past my lifetime but I can always hope.
What we need is an advocate just for us, one voice speaking for all of us instead of thousands of individuals crying out in the void. We may debate this here until the world comes to an end and nothing will change.
Hugs People
Life is a gift no matter what kind of hand one was dealt.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Human Rights Campaign
BREAKING: North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum has signed into law legislation that allows student groups at colleges, universities, and high schools to discriminate against LGBTQ students.
BREAKING: The Tennessee House has passed HB 1233, a hateful bill that would deny trans students access to bathrooms and locker rooms.
The bill would also open up schools to legal consequences if a student believes they have shared a sex-segregated space with a trans student.
The Oklahoma House just passed legislation banning trans girls from playing sports. It heads to the Senate for a vote.
There are now at least 66 bills like it being considered in states across the country. #LetKidsPlay
NOT pending - the aforementioned legislation has either passed in one body with approval expected in second body OR already enacted into law.
At least four trans teens have attempted suicide since Arkansas' law prohibiting trans healthcare passed. Anybody remember Leila Alcorn? And like some of the recent anti-abortion bills passed in the deep south, some legislation is being proposed that would make it a felony for a parent or guardian to seek medical care in another state. FUCK!
Love, Andrea Lena
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Why this is dangerous to EVERYONE!
Looking in to the above mentioned bills, I found another Tennessee bill in the works:
HB 372 (SB 193), a bill to permit all government employees, including teachers, first responders, and public officials to opt-out of diversity training.
- As introduced, prohibits a government entity from requiring an employee of the entity to attend or participate in a training, seminar, or continuing education which the employee objects to on the basis of the person's morals, ethics, values, or religious beliefs.
Can the general public not see where this is leading, & not just for trans & other LGBTI___!
Legalizing Discrimination, in general. WTF!
I wonder what else is in the works.
(I got too sick to keep looking at the moment)
~ Hypatia
Nearly identical
From October 2020 - only weeks before the election.
Three civil rights groups filed a federal class-action lawsuit Thursday challenging the Trump administration's recent crackdown on diversity training.
The NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, National Urban League and National Fair Housing Alliance call President Trump's Sept. 22 executive order "chillingly punitive" censorship that violates guarantees of free speech, equal protection and due process.
Trump's executive order prohibits certain diversity training that the administration says amounts to "divisive, anti-American propaganda."
The order was reversed by the present administration.
Love, Andrea Lena
Gov. Doug Burgum
I know Burgum. He's not my idea of a decent human being. We need one of these laws to go to the Supreme Court. If the answer there isn't a strong rebuke of these obvious affronts to the constitution we need to add four more justices. . .immediately.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Hope The Oklahoma bill passes
Sure I'm going to catch hell for this. I was pushing in favor of the bill baring transgender participating in sports opposite of their birth. Until MtF are allowed to trans around five or six, they will almost always develop more musculus with heavier bone structure than GG. It's not fair to have GG compete against those who have already started their testosterone trip.
A favorable opinion by our Gov almost assures his signature after completing an almost sure passage through the senate.
Life never was meant to be perfect if one is expected to grow spiritually and mentally.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Sport has one hell of a problem with transgenderism.
There can be no question that sport is based on physicality in other words, physical strength and hand - eye - space co-ordination. There is no doubt that exposure to testosterone increases these elements so it's a fact that people exposed to testosterone before, during and after puberty will have advantages of strength, weight, speed and aggression. CIS girls must not be exposed to the impact dangers or performance advantages associated with such activity and testosterone's endowments. It is dangerous and unfair!
There! Now I've said it as well.
Fairness in girl's sports? There's an easier way...
There's an easier way for politicians to protect the young female athletes of their states
from those hulking unstoppable testosterone-fueled transgender girls...
Let the trans girls have their puberty blockers- DUH!!!
But of course this bunch won't do that either, because it's not really about helping their girls, it's about doing everything they can to punish transgender folk in any way they can. By their actions overall they don't seem to care much about those girls they're suddenly professing such concern for. Because what other bills intended to improve the lives or promote the safety of women and girls in their states have they ever been on board with, and not tried to fight every inch of the way? Hmmmm???
~hugs, Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Won't someone consider the poor men?
All this talk about transwomen competing against "genetic" women, got me to thinking.
Transgender individuals are about 1/300 in the population. And 47,XYY males are about 1/700 of male births, so it's on the same order of magnitude. 47,XYY males are noted for height and aggression, both considered advantages in male sports. Why is no one acting to protect 46, XY men from the unfair competition of people who have one more Y chromosome?
The whole subject is rife with contradiction and inconsistency but this one is so ironic, it's actually funny.
- Gender is between the ears, sex is between the legs and anywhere else you can get it. - Lulu Martine
47,XXY males?
Is that what that Khan guy from those Star Trek films was?
He was MEAN!! He killed Captain Kirk's son
and put alien earwigs in people's brains!!!
~hugs, Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
All sport is unfair
That's the point of sport, isn't it? Find out who is the best at something? Is it fair that short people cannot compete on a level field in basketball with tall people? The arguments for banning transwomen from women's sports are actually arguments for banning women's sports or even all sport entirely.
There simply can't be a solution that is always fair to everyone. But banning all transwomen from women's sports as a blanket proscription is not even an attempt at being fair. It's prejudice, as if all transwomen were the same, or indeed as if all AFAB women were the same.
What is the solution? Damned if I know. Maybe there isn't one. But a political solution based on prejudice and bigotry CANNOT be the correct answer because it isn't trying to be a solution. It's just trying to get votes from ignorant and ill-informed people.
Have there been cases where TG athletes have taken opportunities away from other women? I don't hear those cases being talked up by the proponents of bills like these. If it happens, let's talk about it and maybe we can find a solution by examining cases.
Two of the cases I do know of that made the news, Renee Richards and Caster Semenya, do not fit the narrative. Anyone can look them up. Other cases? The Russian girl who changed gender AFTER competing? Again, that's a completely different narrative.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
One of the scariest provisions in the law is that parents will be required to file an affidavit declaring their child’s “gender identity”. Most frustrating is that bills in other states similar to this are being proposed simultaneously with bills banning medical intervention for trans kids. So that effectively ruins any opportunity until their eighteenth birthday to ever compete as a girl/ young woman. T-Blockers and E-Blockers are now being ROUTINELY described as chemical castration. All for the possibility that less than one tenth of one percent of the overall school children might seek participation in school sport. Pink triangles anyone?
Love, Andrea Lena
Nationwide... not on our side!
Love, Andrea Lena
Shoe size rather than genetic sex
Genetic sex has always been an inequitable way to divide people in to sports leagues. It would be more fair if we divided academic leagues by shoe size. Lets forget this misogynistic historical anachronism we call "girls sports" and observe the the real issue: Big rich kids dominate all sports leagues. Especially when that sport depends on strength and power. Rather than even more victim blaming lets solve the problem by throwing money at youth sports programs. Vote these scared white male bigots out of office.
What we see in these "conservative" anti-transwoman sports bills is another wedge tactic victimizing a powerless minority in order to gin up support to keep the white male bigots in power. Don't let them confuse you. They use wedge issues like this to raise funds so that they can do what they really want: Keep themselves in power and redistributing wealth upward while re-enforcing the victim blame argument. You are falling for it. Again.
It might even be a true issue. But it is like arguing about the wording on the life vest pull tab while the ship is sinking.
I love you Barbie Lee but we need to examine the logs in our eyes.
Your friend
Smoke, Mirrors, And Evil
All these proposed Bills have one aim. That is to marginalise and eliminate transgender people. Why? Because we are the smallest and least influential minority and we are the thin end of the wedge for the pseudo-religious bigots to begin to mould society into the shape which they wish it to be. Let me remind you...."First they came for the Jews.."
Beware all you gays, lesbians, bi-people, inter-sexed, queers of any description. They're coming for you.
Even Asian-Americans and African-Americans should not feel safe (as if they do anyway). Those brown folks from Central America are already being dealt with.
Erin quoted two examples:
Renee Richards, who was TG, never managed to become a champion tennis player even with her supposed testosterone advantages.
Caster Semenya is intersexed and has never had any medical intervention. She has naturally occurring elevated testosterone and is now undergoing treatment to lower her testosterone to permit her to compete in women's events. Why should she be banned? Hers is a natural condition. Yes, it gives her an advantage in track events but them's the breaks. Perhaps we should have banned Pele from playing soccer because he was too good? Mark Phelps from swimming?
No matter what sport you play you may come up against a freakishly talented or physically blessed individual. Live with it or get out of the way.
How many women have been molested in bathrooms by TG folk? Answer....NONE.
How many TG individuals have become sports champions? Answer....NONE.
How many TG kids have committed suicide rather than grow up into the man or woman that they don't want to be? Answer....TOO MANY.
Could we save many of these kids by giving them blockers until they know for sure who they want to become. Unequivocally YES.
All of these and other issues are being conflated by bigots to wipe us from the face of the earth, and let's not hear the stupid arguments that "both sides" are at fault. Are there any Democrat states proposing laws of this kind? I think the answer is NONE but feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
The concentration camps are being planned. They don't take long to wrap barbed wire around.
Just Think
We're abandoning all those bases in Afghanistan and they already have barracks and barbed wire. A little manipulation of current law so that any children born in the camps are not US citizens and voila! Problem solved - the republican way!
They know they can survive
Sports = No Bearing on other Trans Topics!
The sports question has no real bearing on other topics, or it shouldn't. It is just being used as a another scare tactic.
As for the sports question it self, I believe, it really needs to be considered case by case. However common sense on how to apply this seems to be totally lacking. The move to prevent treatment, completely screws up any chance of that working out properly. And a blanket policy will certainly not work.
Additionally, any sports policies to ban certain Trans Individuals, should mainly apply to actual truly competitive and professional venues. This should have no real bearing on, casual recreational sports, or school gym classes for exercise.
The problem is there really is some merit on both side of the competitive sports question. That should not mean that, Trans have no right to exist.
Assuming some fair middle-ground can be reached: It however may mean that some individuals may not be able to fulfill both dreams, which is not really very different from many other choices in life, unfortunate as that may be.
What needs to be focused on is that: The tricky question of "Sports Competition", has to be prevented from being used as an excuse for, other Trans restrictions and bans. This question needs to be forcibly separated from other issues, rather then being use as an, all or nothing argument fro Trans right to exist.
I am severely torn on the sports issue.
~Hypatia Littlewings >i< (*)
(*) Note: No PixzieDust, I am Not happy.
PS. please excuse my poor formatting & grammar.