A Short History

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A short history of where all this anti-trans stuff
came from & why you should be concerned

A Facebook acquaintance of mine has been tracking the anti-Trans trend in the USA. The commentary linked herein provides examples of why this is more than urgently important.

Brynn Tannehill, an analyst who specializes in trans issues, tweeted out a primer on the background behind the recent spate of anti-transgender legislation that’s required reading for anyone wondering how trans folks became the new target of the religious right.


I strongly urge EVERYONE to take heed!

And here is but one example of why we need to pay attention.




Seeing it laid out like that......

D. Eden's picture

Sends chills down my spine. Adolf Hitler and his cronies would be proud of the so-called Christians who developed these plans.

D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

I Don't Understand Charlie's Comment

joannebarbarella's picture

Is it against the blog or for it?

"Out of the mouths of little children". THAT is Christianity, not what those cock-sucking senators who are promoting this law profess.

The proposed law is just a step closer to Apartheid and Fascism in the USA. Do these people even believe in your Constitution? *For the record, I am not American*

Let's ask "How many women have been assaulted in a public bathroom by a transgender person?" Answer... "None"

How many transgender girls have become champions in what are known as women's sports? Answer...."None"

What's it all about when we are one tenth of one per cent of the population? It's about diverting attention from the real problems of society. Just ignore racial inequality, poverty and who is allowed to vote and who is not. Ignore who pays their fair share in taxes and who gets decent medical care at a reasonable price.

It's plain to see.....minorities who can be victimised have no rights. Remember Auschwitz???

Autocracy vs Democracy

Biden stated lately that we are in a worldwide battle over whether we will be governed by autocracy or democracy.

Unfortunately, that isn't just political rhetoric.

Back in college in the 60s I took several courses about the psychology of a group. The strength of a group is often defined by their hatred of a common enemy. The Republican Party went off the rails under Newt and careened into Fascistland powered by Tucker Carlson. Tucker Carlson learned his poisonous hatred from his father. . .The journalist who outed Renee Richards.

Tucker Carlson should scare everyone on this site. He's not a buffoon like Trump. He obviously has found his "birtherism" in trans issues and intends to demagogue his way to the White House.

Tucker speaks fondly of autocrats and daily uses his FOX pulpit to trounce civil liberties.

Those Texas legislators showed their colors when they didn't ask even one question of an obviously articulate little girl who could have smashed their ignotance. They know what they're doing.

We keep trying to shame the Rs with references to Nazi Germany. That's hopeless. When they condoned "Jews will not replace us." they told everyone who they are.

Believe them.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Unfortunately, not news

I didn't actually read the article (I glanced at it), because it was all stuff I've heard about. I've been afraid for a long time, and I don't see any way that little old me can push back against it. I grew up surrounded by people who hated me for being whatever it was they thought I was, so the hate is very real to me. Except now the haters have carloads of guns and elected officials who urge them to use them.

At this point, the more I hear, the less I'm able to deal with it. I keep thinking, I should make preparations to flee the USA, but I'm just too overwhelmed most of the time.

Kids as Pawns

laika's picture

Even as the Dark Side tries to blow off the wonderfully level headed and articulate Kai Shappley as being a "pawn" who was "indoctrinated into transgenderism" and "told what to say" by the people controlling her (that mother can't be a REAL Christian if she didn't whomp the sissy out of him!), they are scrambling to find a young telegenic Detransition Superstar who they can put on Fox News and have speak at their putsches- er, I mean rallies; telling some horrifying tale about how they were led down the path of "gender confusion" by the media, peer pressure on tiktok, an evil feminist parent. Probably an "ex-FtM", because girls play as more sympathetic and trans girls need to be painted as deviated pre-verts who only want access to girl's bathrooms for sinister reasons and also unfair advantages in competitive sports.

And their poster child for the dangers of transgenderism will be every bit the pawn they accuse Kai and Jazz and all the other young transitioners of being; these girls and boys whose stories and lives show what a crock of lies these alarmists are trying to sell us, with their talk of "chemical castration" and fake statistics about transition regret and inevitable suicide; While the trans kids they deny gender autonomy to and try to shame and bully into conformity with their idiotic views of gender are dropping like flies. Not that they actually care about kids...
~sigh, Veronica

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)



Andrea Lena's picture

Here is what Kai's mom posted on Facebook today.

"Here’s a plot line for a bad horror movie. Your child needs medical help, so you work with doctors and counselors to find a treatment plan based on scientific evidence and professional standards. As a result, your child is happy and healthy. Then, the state decides it knows better than parents and doctors. It takes away your child and throws you in prison. To add a plot twist, this breach of family life is sanctioned by the party of “small government."


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

"Small" Government

Aptly named as they couldn't be acting any "smaller."


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Both Ways

Daphne Xu's picture

I don't object to any of this. I just imagine things going both ways. In this case, it's related to an Issue Tumor (similar to a Plot Tumor) in "A Bikini Beach Summer" and "Grandpa Takes Beth to Bikini Beach". This could be a horror story.

Your child experiences a claim. You work with a practitioner to treat your child based on the best understanding of Science and Health. You recognize your child's worsening symptoms as illusion, specifically the chemicalization as a last-ditch effort of Error before dissipation in the light of Truth and Good. Finally, the State decides it knows better than parents and practitioners, and steps in forces the child to a hospital and doctors. The doctors call it Bacterial Meningitis, Type-1 Diabetes, or some other fancy name, all based on false materialistic theories. They hook the child up to wires and feeding lines.

Fortunately, the child recovers. This time, parents and practitioner were deceived. The practitioner never practiced in a valid professional endeavor, only a 19th-Century cult with no chance of progress. The State really knew better.

-- Daphne Xu

The government that governs best

crash's picture

The government that governs best is the government that gives all the power to middle aged white male bigots.
Everyone else is a prop to be exploited, evaded and abused.

Organize, Protest, Lobby, Vote.

Your friend