Story From 1873

"Mademoiselle Olympe Zabriski" is a short story, first published in 1873, by Thomas Bailey Aldrich (1836-1907), a noted poet, author, and magazine editor of the prestigious Atlantic Monthly, still being published today.

A one sentence synopsis: A New Yorker from an aristocratic family is captivated by a girl trapeze artist. The twist ending won't come as a surprise to readers on this site.

This turned up whiile I was researching some information about an equestrian circus performer circa 1875. He went by the name Omar Kingsley when performing and training horses as a male after 1870. Apparently that was his real name, at least after he was taken in by a circus family after leaving his home at age six, or so the story goes. But in the mid-1850s and 1860s, he performed in Europe and then the United States as Ella Zoyara, and seems to have lived the part, at least in the earlier years. Ella became something of a celebrity, at least among fans of circus acts.

He'd still perform occasional benefit events as Ella for large crowds at least into the mid-1870s, though his real identity was no secret then. From everything I've read, crossdressing stage performers were considered wholesome family entertainment during at least the last quarter of the 19th Century -- though crossdressing on the street could put you in jail.

Fwiw, It took me some time to appreciate the writing style. Parts of the introductory section that I found somewhat tedious on first reading were laugh-out-loud hilarious when I read the story again today, four months later.

The story:

(I've given the information sources to Maryanne Peters. Anyone else who ants threm can cotact me.)
