Hello. I would like to know how to go about deleting my account here. The growth of this site and my own personal growth are diverging and it is time for me to move on. Thank you in advance for your help.
Mona Lisa
TopShelf TG Fiction in the BigCloset!
Hello. I would like to know how to go about deleting my account here. The growth of this site and my own personal growth are diverging and it is time for me to move on. Thank you in advance for your help.
Mona Lisa
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Thank you!
just stop coming?
Delete the link and don't come back?
May Happiness Follow You
I wish you the best as your path diverges from the present. Have no idea of the number of girls who have moved away and I lost contact with because they changed. I pray each and everyone finds their comfort zone and that happiness they seek.
Hugs Mona
Love and accept yourself and others will too. The prettiest flowers are the rarest ones.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Unpublish Rather Than Delete
You might want to consider unpublishing your stories rather than deleting.
You just never know.
Good luck to you.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
All part of the plan
I am indeed planning to unpublish, but I cannot delete my email address. That is kind of a problem. Hmmmm.
Thanks for the advice, though!
Mona Lisa
I'm very emotional.
There are times that I wanted to trash it all, but I ran into the same problem. A few days, or a week or so, I felt different. There are times when I thought that suicide was the answer, but it wasn't.
I'm not suicidal.
Please be assured that this is not about suicidality at all.
Sorry to see anyone leave ...
I'm sorry to see anyone leave, even for good reasons such as growth and changing interests.
Would you consider leaving your stories, or perhaps asking the admins to do some kind of archiving, but without your name?
In any case, please be sure you have your own copies of your stories, and perhaps blogs. They are part of you, and I would regret your losing them if/when you leave.
I have left places (and people), and always with regrets that have lingered for years or decades. This is true even when my leaving was the best thing all around.
May your life go well, no matter what path you take up. And may that path treat you well.
Decisions, decisions
I am still making some decisions like that. I agree that a story is not the same thing as a Facebook post!
Well thank you for sharing your stories
I did a quick count and have 13 of your stories bookmarked. I enjoyed reading them all.
Just ask
I don't make it simple to do because lots of people hre ride wild emotional waves and might easily regret something. But you ask and I do it. I unpub your posts at your request and make your account inactive. Then if you want you can email me and ask for those things t be undone. And at the next major update of our software, the deletions and unpublications become permanent.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Things Change
Things change, and we move on.
When I think back on my own life and interests, there have been a number of significant changes, distinct chapters. Every one of them interesting, valuable, or entertaining in their own way.
Wishing for you that your next one is the best yet!
You could simply become inactive.
Leave a note behind saying you have moved on (so people do not wonder), and that no further works will be forthcoming. etc. etc.
Your stories seem to have been appreciated at least by some, one has even been tagged as "retro classic", why not leave them. I dislike seeing the amount of content here reduced, but it is up to you, if you feel it is what you should do.
I hope you at least keep them archived somewhere for yourself, you may still find them of some value in the future.
May your path lead you where you need to go.
Good Luck,
~Hypatia >i< ..:::
Although you must do what you must, I and many others would appreciate your leaving your site stories accessible. I re-read them a couple times a year. You are and will remain a favorite author.
BAK 0.25tspgirl
Well... I've made one decision...
I have been on a journey of healing for the last... nearly six years now. I think I'm getting near the end of it, so I choose to finish that first and revisit this when I get there. For now, I won't make changes to my account. I'll admit that I didn't realize I had fans. Plus, like I was saying earlier, a story is very different than a Facebook posting. I was feeling hesitant to remove my stories in case someone else was benefiting from them and the comments here have made it clear that some of us are.
So again, I won't make changes for now. My stories are staying put. I will revisit in a bit when I complete this journey of healing that I'm on (and don't get me wrong, I know that healing never really ceases, but there is a... subset of healing that does need to be completed before the next leg of my life's journey begins and it is at the end of that subset that I will revisit).
Thank you for your comments, everyone! Blessings!
Mona Lisa