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I was wondering if anyone knew if these couple authors were still active or not. Zoe Taylor, Ashley McGreagor, Dark Kitten of the "Becoming Robin" series and spinoffs. And Susan Brown of the "Home Alone" series? Oh, and Jennifer Sue of A Summer's Odessy"?
I've recently downloaded the books on Kindle, and reread them, but all stories hinted at more to come.

Like I said I was wondering if anyone knew if they were still active or not?

And if anyone remembers or cares, I still have every intention of continuing my story "Mathew's Secret Desire", which I will do whenever my mental muse decides to return.

Thanks for listen to my rambling. Hehe.




Daphne Xu's picture

Hey, nice name! I've noticed you every time I've posted a story or blog entry.

Unfortunately, my memory is teasing me about whether I've seen any recent posts of your authors. So I can't say.

"...whenever my mental muse decides to return." Have you heard these sayings? "Creativity is 10% inspiration, 90% perspiration" and "creativity needs to be exercised". Perhaps while awaiting your muse, you might jot something down about some event in the future of your hero(ine)s.

-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)

All still here

erin's picture

And all more or less still writing. :) Have your read Susan Brown's Football Girl series?


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Yeah I have both on Kindle.

Yeah I have both on Kindle. Got the impression there was supposed to be a Book 3, but haven't seen anything, that's why I asked.
