Two Months In

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This blog was originally posted on my website, but I thought I'd share it with you gals (and guys).

Wow, has it really been two months since my revelatory little blog? Geesh my how the time flies! I just wanted to again thank all the ladies who've reached out to me and offered their support, it really has helped me pull through what has been some really challenging times.

It's been a strange experience for me to say the least. Recognizing that I have these feelings and at last coming to accept it has been a very surreal experience. I'm still very much in the closet, but I've been seeing a counselor and this weekend I'll be moving some place where I'll be a little more free to begin exploring. My new roommates are very open-minded and seem like very lovely human-beings.

I'm learning a lot about myself and have allowed myself to express thoughts and feelings I never would have entertained before. As soon as I posted that blog, it was as if someone had flicked a switch in my head. I never really felt particularly inclined toward wearing feminine apparel or cosmetics and now the idea is very appealing.

On other positive note, I've lost over sixty pounds in the last eight or nine months and my momentum doesn't seem to be slowing down. I'm more conscious of my health and now that I've accepted that I'm trans, my weight-loss has become all that much more important.

Some of you who follow me on Twitter or Facebook may know that I'm working at getting some of my stories up for sale on Amazon with the help from the lovely ladies at DopplerPress. As such, those that I do end up publishing will be pulled from here or other sites. If you wish to save a copy of my stories now, I have no qualms with that, but I do hope that you will chose to support me when my stories show up on Amazon. Do know that whatever goes up for sale, will be much more polished than what I share here.

I'm still debating whether I will continue to serialize my stories, or if I'll publish them directly to Amazon. At the bare minimum, I will finish sharing The Fall of Kruhl on my website. I don't believe it's fair to go this far without letting you read the rest.

On one final note, there will be no Kruhl this weekend. I do have a story part almost completed, but with the move I won't be able to finish it off, least of all edit it.

I hope you all are having a delightfully demented night,


Thank you!

Daniela Wolfe's picture

Thank you!

Have delightfully devious day,


Mind and body is a hackneyed phrase but still amazed what can be accomplished when the synergy of it works as advertised.

A serious bright spot in what has been a dreadful 4 years from my perspective.


Daniela Wolfe's picture


I'm sorry it's been rough for you. Sending positive vibes and thoughts your way. ;)

Have delightfully devious day,


Congrats on your progress. Out of curiosity what’s your weight loss secret.

hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna

For me

Daniela Wolfe's picture

Thanks! For me portion control has been a big part of it. I use weight watchers to keep track of my daily points and stay within my points limits. I also cut out soda (even the diet stuff), most sugars and limited my carb intake. Every morning I eat a breakfast of plain nonfat yogurt (with half a scoop of protein powder for flavor), berries, stevia (provides sweetness without adding actual sugar) and granola. Lunch is some sort of chicken salad with a very low calorie/carb dressing. Diners I usually eat something a little heartier so I don't wake up ravenous in the middle of the night.

I am also medicated for hypothyroidism, which is probably a contributing factor.

Have delightfully devious day,

Another thing that may be

Daniela Wolfe's picture

Another thing that may be contributing is that I drink tons of water sometimes as much as a gallon a day.

Have delightfully devious day,