Several years ago, someone posted a link to a brief YouTube video about a Japanese or Korean girl band, apparently in a television segment there, with four live teen girls and a fifth who, at the end of the video, is revealed to be a computer-generated composite of the other four. I tried the Search function here, but couldn't come up with keywords that worked. (I also manually checked "Hangin' Around" Forum titles without finding it there.)
Does anyone remember the entry or know anything about it (or anything similar)?
Best, Eric
Virtual AKB48
Making of video
And I thought Vocaloid was impressive!
If they can partner this kind of tech with the totally artificial vocaloid voice tech, you'd be halfway to creating a total artificial video personality. A scenario like the one in the movie Simone, with Al Pacino (styled as "S1m0ne") would totally be more than possible - it would actually be feasible.
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Thanks, Melanie!
It was actually further along technologically than I thought. On the other hand, the girls were singing in unison, so there being six voices instead of seven didn't attract attention. It does seem that Vocaloid would take care of that (thanks, Bobbie!) and is being used in anime, though that's not really all that similar to a human in seeming live action. (Only singing solo?)
I'd been thinking that combining the concept with the hologram Roy Orbison and Buddy Holly "live in person" concert tours last year might work in a story somehow. The live girls would have to be really careful not to get between the projection and its source, for one thing, which wouldn't seem easy in an energetic song-and-dance setting like a lot (I gather) of teen concerts. That's assuming we're setting up a group thing rather a diva-and-backup concept where the real folks would stay safely in back of the virtual lead vocalist.
VR Influencer
Just for grins and giggles, check this out! Virtual Influencers Marketing
Not exactly a singer, and the still photos don't do her justice; but I saw her in action as a guest on FBE React one night. Really believable! I though she might have been added in later, but the show's regulars seemed to be reacting to her in realtime. You can probably find that video on YouTube. Look for FBE React plus Lil Miquela, Miquela Sousa, or @lilmiquela (she has 1.6 Million followers!) I watched it there several months ago but no longer have the link. As a measure of state-of-the-art, VR singers are even closer than you thought.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Thanks, Karen...
Very interesting, both the article and Miquela.
Just listened to "Speak Up" on YouTube. (4.2 million views since February.)
Unless the boyfriend in the video is virtual too, they're way ahead of me. (But he probably is.)
Thanks again.