600,000 Words

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Edeyn My right hand is achy, and my left hand it beginning to twinge, but I shall persevere! One Million Words is a lot of typing. Heck, 600,000 is a lot of typing!

Edeyn Hannah Blackeney's Fundraising Page

Oh, my current wordcount?

Edeyn Hannah Blackeney
Wasn't it Jim Henson who said, "Without faith, I am nothing," after all? No, wait, that was God... Sorry, common mistake to make...


Yes, it is. Are you up to

Yes, it is. Are you up to 600K? Or is that the goal?

May the Stars light your path.

Slow Down...Please

joannebarbarella's picture

Edeyn, I can't read that fast. 653,000 words in 16 days. That's nearly 41000 a day. Allowing 10 hours for eating, ablutions and sleeping that comes to over 2900 an hour or 49 a minute.Please slow down or your fingers will be worn down to your elbows!