Shades of Gaby

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This Saturday, I embark on an epic quest. More horrifying than a term paper, more thrilling than gator wrestling, more geeky than converting your entire D&D campaign from v. 3.5 to v. 4! (Though I'm doing that, too.)

That's right, people- this weekend, I attend my first Anime convention.

Before setting out on this most dangerous endeavor, I feel it is necessary to set my affairs in order. Therefore, Friday shall see the posting of Boys of Summer 16-20, as well as the submission of Echoes 5 to John!


Hve you gone MAD!

Guess I better get off my butt and finish my comments for Paula. I'm way behind on them.

Look forward to your latest. Have fun at the convention.

John in Wauwatosa

John in Wauwatosa

Going from 3.5 to v4...

Heck, All my stuff is AD&D v1 (or maybe I should say a lot is still D&D + Grayhawk....)

Good luck. I've heard those anime things grow on you...


So does fungus

but is it welcome? One of the hidden readers here, Mr. Scotty is now officially outed. He has been to several large conventions around here., and has a pretty good sized collection of it. (Yes, he has gifted quite a bit to me, which I have never seen, outside of being in the same room with the kids while they are entranced with it.) He goes just to see the silliness and costumes, since he never cosplays. He has lots of pics on his site. So, have a good time, just watch for strange things around you.

Re: since he never cosplays

News flash,

I talked to Scotty, on the phone the other day and at the last Con he did cosplay!
Said, he had a blast...
Yuh never know what will happen at a con!



I liked v.1

I had a friend in High School who inherited her dad's books, so that's what I started out with too.

My own collection of books includes:

-AD&D 2.0 Player's Handbook and Basic Starter Set

-3.0 Player's, Monster Manual, and DMG

-3.5 Player's I and II, Monster Manual, DMG, Keepers of the Underdark

- 4.0 Player's

And I've always played the same character, a half-elf/human/tiefling rogue named...


Melanie E.

I wanted to Cosplay

but I couldn't afford to get an outfit ready in time. Not only that, but I couldn't decide on who to go as :(

Any suggestions for next time? a few I were considering:
-Lily Beth (an angel from a comic I'm working on called 'Thrice')
-Tanith Rivers (a vampire hunter from another of my own comics called 'Darkblade')
-Erd from 'Ah, My Goddess'
-Leeloo from 'The Fifth Element'
-Roll from the 'Megaman' game series
-Princess Ai