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Hey all i just was lookin for a julieo story. Guess what she back julieo has a new story on fictionmanna im so hiped let y9u guys know

Is that what they meant?

A new Julie O story? I honestly couldn't make out what they were trying to say.

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin


Julie O "Morality Laws"

Posted 03/08/2020 (March 8th, 2020)

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin

Morality Laws by Julie O, Review (with SPOILERS)

laika's picture


Most dystopian fiction likes to hit you over the head with how evil the world it's set in is, but MORALITY LAWS makes you figure this out for yourself. Which makes sense if narrator herself had been conditioned and brainwashed to enjoy her new station in life. Or maybe she was just a pragmatist, but a story of this sort---that expects you to read between the lines to see the horrors and injustices of its odious “brave new world”---is rare and refreshing. And the horrors here were plentiful; like the bitter irony of a society that would use the word “morality” to justify grabbing kids out of high-school, stripping them of most of their rights as citizens and turning them into fuck-toys, commodities that help keep the government funded + the economy running. Like The Handmaids Tale, MORALITY LAWS was only a slight exaggeration of things that plague our world today: The warped attitudes towards sexuality; the deep rooted sexism, the misogyny and transphobia, and the way prostitutes are regarded as inferior by the very hypocrites who rely on them and by the police who so often harass them in order to feel righteous and manly, and then exploit them for sex. And compared to the grim tragic endings of so many dystopian novels, one that ends with the heroine triumphing to the extent she could under the circumstances she'd been handed is refreshing as well.

Rated XXX, this is much more a work of erotic fiction than in those amazing Julie O stories from the early 2000's like CHANGE OF COURSE and THE PROTECTOR stories (the stories that made me fall in love with transgender fiction and want to try my hand at it myself;); which might put some people off (I myself skimmed over some of the more repetative dirty parts); But it is about a prostitute who was programmed to love fucking and sucking, so while it might seem excessive it does make sense to the story. Just as Michele Nylons' stories can be both smutty and good fiction, this is a well-crafted story with a good plot and many of the same elements I loved about her earlier stories (good characters and dialogue; the camaraderie of Honey and her sister whores as sweet in its way as the camaraderie of the COEDS). I admit I prefer her less erotic stuff, but it does seem to be the direction Julie has been going in these last few postings, and seems to be a type of TG fiction she enjoys writing. She's given us an amazing body of PG and R rated work, and if her muse is taking her toward stories like MORALITY LAWS now I'm just glad she's writing again. Cuz there's nothing worse for a writer than not being able to...
~hugs, thanx for hearing me out. Veronica

"The federal government will only recognize 2 genders,
as assigned at birth-" (The man in his own words:)

It was my comment that got disappeared, but it's okay.

I know what I wrote was mean, but there is a reason for it if anyone cares to read it.

There is a niggling thought in my mind that this "new" Julie story is NOT by OUR JulieO. Reason? JulieO always wrote her pen name with the final O attached to her name. This story is by a Julie O. A small thing I grant you, but considering the pornographic content of the story which is, to me, in direct opposition to what JulieO wrote about in her other stories, it aroused my suspicion JulieO always was vehemently opposed to the forced fem and identity death and this is just a huge departure from that viewpoint.

IMHO The story is really a bare bones plotline, followed by paragraph after paragraph of screwing and sucking which always seemed abhorrent to JulieO's wonderful stories of redemption and vengeance against those who would dare to torture kids. If there had been some sort of vengeance for those who, in the story did these monstrous things to kids, my opinion would probably have been different and the comment I wrote would have been kinder.

So I understand why my comment was deleted, but I still stand by what I wrote, even if it was mean. I meant it to be mean, because I was offended by the thought that someone had taken Julie's name and perverted it so badly, not to mention my own personal disgust at "those" types of stories.

Just so anyone will understand my comment I want to say that I do NOT apologize for what I wrote in it! I thought I was allowed to express my feelings about a story, good or bad. now that I know the rules better, I'll watch what I write much more closely.


As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script. Y_0.jpg