The Kindness of Acquaintances

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It doesn't matter that I've been a hypocrite? It doesn't matter that no one really knows me (except maybe Ray)?

I don't know what to say. Many of you have left some very nice replies to my last two pathetic blog entries. Thank you.

I had a very strange coincidence happen tonight. I watched an episode of xxxHolic called Self-mutilation. The main point of the story was that happiness has a cost (e.g. more responsibility) and some people choose to avoid that cost by avoiding happiness. Then I read the kind comments that encouraged me to continue writing.

Am I trying to avoid happiness? Perhaps I am.

I'm still afraid of seeing my stories get few votes and comments. I feel like I'm being ignored. But what if I post my stories with comments off? Does posting stories with comments off also turn off the voting mechanism? Please tell me it does. I think I can continue posting stories if I don't have to worry about getting any comments or votes.

- Terry


Stories with comments off

erin's picture

No one has posted a story with comments off since I introduced voting, so almost none of the existing SWCOs had any votes at all. Turning voting off for future SWCO postings is simple and I have done it. I want you to continue posting stories and if this is what you need, you've got it.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Thanks, Erin

terrynaut's picture

Thank you very much. I'll try it just as soon as I write my next story. :)

- Terry