2day is My B-day

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2day is My Birthday.I'm not 33 year's old!!!!


Happy Birthday of course

BarbieLee's picture

The reason we call them "Happy" is one day we can taste the evils of cake, ice cream. The abundance of a meal we dressed up and went out to eat, we didn't have to prepare ourselves. Of course the other milestones in our calendar of birthdays were exceptional. At fourteen we got a driver's license, at sixteen we got a commercial chauffeur's license, at twenty one we could vote. But the bestest day of all, even though it wasn't our birthday, was when we walked down the isle and said, I do, to the one we wished to share the rest of our life with.
Hugs and Happy Birthday Feyre

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Happy Birthday!

Andrea Lena's picture

Hope you have a great day!


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

be thankful

Maddy Bell's picture

For each one and don't get upset by the accumulation of digits.

Hope you've had a good day

Madeline Anafrid


Madeline Anafrid Bell

Happy Birthday!

And congrats on being 33 years young!



Happy Birthday!

If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.”
― Toni Morrison

A happy third of a century!

A happy third of a century!


{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}