Ceasing writing/posting

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Whilst I accept I might well have post holiday blues, I have suspected that my stories are not being as well received as they were, despite that fact that I believe the quality of my writing has been fairly constant.

I am therefore seriously thinking I will stop posting.



Please Stay

jengrl's picture

Hi Angharad,

Your stories are very much appreciated and I hope that you continue to do what you do best. I wonder if people are just busy with other things? That may explain why there have been few comments. You are very much valued here. Please stay and continue to share your incredible gift.




Judge Not

As I have said many times on this site, there is no direct correlation between the quality of writing and the number of positive comments and/or votes you receive.

If you want to receive a large amount of positive comments you need only to write a sweet story about a ten to thirteen-year old protagonist -- make sure you include magic or sci-fi.

There are other hot genre, themes, and elements. Writing for BC isn't all that different than writing for publication -- you have to write what the general public wants to be commercially successful -- or attract votes and comments.

Writing serials is another way to attract readers as many want to come here for a few moments a day and obviously find short pieces to their liking. However, you've turned writing serials into a job by forcing yourself to write almost daily.

Instead of quiting, which seems drastic, why don't you take a short amount of time off and assess what you really want out of your writing?

I have one more project to finish before I'm done, but I've been at it much longer than you have.

Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

I don't tend to comment

I don't tend to comment on your stories Angharad, however of the stories I have read through fully, I love them. I admit that for me, I am not as good about reading serials all the time. I mean, I am just now reading Heather's College Girl and Sorority Boy series. I do think your stories are very well received.
Shannon Johnston>

Samirah M. Johnstone

I Have Found Your Stories :)

To be great reading. Please continue to post.
May Your Light Forever Shine

May Your Light Forever Shine

I comment

rarely, and the reason for that, it is hard for me to write down how I feel.

Please keep writting, and i will keep reading, I dont know if votes or comments make things go better, but I have noticed that very few serials get a lot of comments.

Thanks for what you have done so far, but please keep going.

I hope you know my opinion ...

... so I won't reiterate it here. I can understand how you're feeling. It was a sterling effort to attempt to write an episode/day of 'Bike' but perhaps not altogether a wise decision. I've had several enthusiasms in my life and each has consumed me for quite a number of years,. Each one has left a mark but each has been abandoned either through becoming stale or other reasons. I envy people who maintain the same enthusiasm throughout their lives; indeed I thought I would do the same but it didn't happen. I guess the only thing that's lasted is my peculiar sexual/gender confusion though my love for one woman runs a close second for longevity.

Take note of what Angela/Jill writes. She is, without doubt, one of the most outstanding and thoughtful contributors to this site. However, she's threatened that she's written out before and in that, at least, I don't believe her. She has too many ideas to stop writing.

The voting/comment system isn't always a good indicator and you have to take it as it is. My last piece of fluff, written in an afternoon/evening attracted a few votes in the first couple of days or so but, despite clocking up lots more reads, none since. It doesn't bother me because it got more than it deserved for the trivial effort I put into it but I know you're rather more dedicated and thus deserve more. If you crave votes and comments (and you've had a lot of those) then, as Angela says, write a sweet sentimental story about a young teenager.

Try sitting back for a while and reading. Don't abandon the site altogether. Then return refreshed to amuse and delight us anew. My Menorcan sailing holidays on 2 successive years (when I could afford it) were taken in October and getting back to cold, dark, wet Britain was a bit of a let down. Especially when I had to sort out my winter bike to cycle to work LOL


Don't Stop

littlerocksilver's picture

We have a lot on our minds these days: the economy, elections, health, ad infinitum. Your stories help keep us focused on other important things. I know my stories aren't that popular; however, the sincere comments from those who do read them mean a lot to me. Well you can't please everybody but you gotta please yourself. I know that's poorly quoted but I think I know what it means. Portia


You are a talented, gifted writer ...

... and you've shared your work with us all, in Cathy's story as well as SNAFU and Charlotte's Tale. I don't know where you're getting the idea that your work is not being as well received as it once was. Your stories have kept me and so many others here entertained for years (and hopefully will continue to do so if i can convince you to keep creating for us all).

Cathy's story has become a regular part of my day -- something I look forward to each afternoon. In fact, when you went away for a week, it was very unsettling to come by after work and NOT see another episode. I do wish there was more of Jamie's story and Charlotte's, but i understand that everything you write takes time, and is a gift from you to us.

So please keep writing and posting? Yes, I'm a greedy selfish wench, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. But I admire your talent and love your work and I would miss them both very much, if you were to stop.

Much love,


Please don't.

Miss Angharad, you're probably the last person short oe Miss Erin who I would expect to just up and quit the site. Your work is an integral part of the BC experience, but more importantly, YOU are.

You want votes and comments? I'll go through the archive and reread everything you have posted and comment on every last one if that's what it takes.

Take a break if you need it, a week, a month, a year, but please, don't stop writing.

Melanie E.

ps- sorry if that sounded whiney, but I truly do enjoy you.

Ang how rough was your vacation?

Sometimes I find returning from a week or so off so disorenting and or the vaction was stressful I need a vacation from the vacation.

You have contributed so much here that if you are feeling burnt out do as Angela says and take a break from writing to a schedule. Write only when and if you feel like it.

What was it, something about magic and happy 13 year old kids getting a disproportioate responce at BC? Angela, I resemble those remarks!

--Okay, John, rewrite Timeout with Joanie a bit younger and use lots more magic, yeah, that's the ticket --

From the quick responce you got here, Ang, you can see you have a solid core of zombie slav ... dedicated readers.

Ummmmm brrrains!

John in Wauwatosa

John in Wauwatosa

Don't You DARE LEAVE US!!!!

Angharad: Don't you dare talk that way, Your are one of the best if not the BEST story writer on this site and other sites and you will be badly missed if you left us HIGH and DRY without your Bruetiful and Knowledgeable stories. OK! What happen on your vacation to make you think this way? And I'll quit giving you a bad time about Charlotte too. RICHARD



I feel that way, too. You work forever on getting a story ready to read, and the lack of comments is more than a little discouraging. All the work, sweat (mental, at least) and the part of your soul you've given that story just seem meaningless.

But that isn't the case, really. People do like your stories, I like your stories. (Okay, I suck at making comments most of the time, but I'm working on changing that now.)

Do people who just read understand what goes into getting even one chapter of a story out? Probably not.

Do they appreciate your work? Indeed they do, even if they don't tell you. (Trust me, the ones who don't like it will be sure to tell you at times. :P

Do we, the writers get tired, and wonder if what we're doing is worth it? Oh yes.

Is it worth it?

A finished story, or chapter of an ongoing story is a thing of beauty for me. when it's done I know, without doubt that I've accomplished something that most people can't or won't do. Comments are good, but one thing to keep in mind here, is to watch that hit counter. Even if someone doesn't feel safe, or qualified to comment, you can see that your story is being read.

Me... If people are reading what I do, even without comments, I think I've managed to do what I set out to do.

So don't give up here. I know it gets discouraging at times, with all the work you do and the evident lack of response to that. You are one of the more popular authors here at BC (Me jealous? Nah! ;) ) I think you are one of the most prolific authors on this site. Don't give up just because your reception of comments hits a dry spell.

Besides, it's Halloween! I bet over half the readers here are working on their costumes right now.

Cheer up, it isn't as bad as you think.

My e-mail addy is in my profile so if you'd like to talk, just give me a ding there.

Writing is hard, and even harder when one doesn't get paid in cash for doing it.

You know as well as I do, the the writing we do is a labor of love. We do it because we want to. Need to.

So like I said, don't let a lull get to you.


>> one of the most prolific authors on this site.

Puddintane's picture

Last I looked, "Easy" thoroughly trounced Tolstoy's War and Peace for words, and I believe Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged as well...

If you want to get rich from writing, write the sort of thing that’s read by persons who move their lips when they’re reading to themselves.
- Don Marquis




A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style

Holiday Blues

I can understand the idea that after coming back from a holiday you find it harder to get back into the groove. I usually either feel that way or recharged after a nice trip, depending on my enjoyment of the vacation and how tiring my "rest" was. As far as your writing goes, I generally do like your work, but when it is a serial, I can't respond to or vote for each episode just due to trying to get through my day, though I will when I can. I can attest that reading one of your stories or a chapter in one does give me a lift, so don't think your efforts are unappreciated.



Please don't stop. While I will freely admit EAFOAB doesn't elicit as much of a commentary on my part as it has done in the past, I never fail to read the next fresh installment. It has grown to be such a fixture for this site, I would say BC wouldn't be the same without it. But much as the odd soap on the box it has become something like your most revered, most comfortable, warm bunny slippers on a cold november night. You take them for granted, while you revel in the luxurious comfort of them, you'll feel devastated when they're gone.
Feel free to abstain from the daily grind of writing EAFOAB, take more leave, recharge the battery, but don't stop writing EAFOAB -their is still some closure, please? If you will.. - or of writing in general.

Gawd, I wish I could write like you. The ease in dialogue, the hilarious banter. I would really miss it.


Please please please don`t leave us

Ang .
If you need to take a break from the great amount of writing you do and recharge your batteries please do so, all your devoted fans who appreciate what a great writer you are and love you very much, will still be here waiting patiently for you to continue but please don`t leave us completely, I don`t want to even think about that.

Lots of Hugs


Shame there is not a better way to show appreciation

I love your work, I love the work of many authors who have posted to this site, Crystals, and others. There is a lot of very good talent out there. I wish some of it was mine. I look forward to seeing a new episode of EASY everyday, it shows up here in Fiji at about noon. It's a 5 minute pick me up that makes the rest of the day go faster. I have been very impressed with all of your writing, you write all characters of all ages very realistically, although the younger ones are a little too adult sometimes, but you are writing to an adult audience.
I always hate to hear when another writer is giving up due to lack of comments. If writing isn't the love of your life, then you should find what is and do that, as I'm sure you would do that very well, whatever it is. Comments show people are interested, but not a good benchmark though. Does a bestselling author get millions of comments after releasing a book, no. But obviously they do get royalties, which is a definate measure of commercial success. What I'm getting at(very poorly I might ad) is that if you don't get enough pleasure out of your work, you should go do something else. New authors will come in and replace you, just as you have replaced other authors that have stopped posting for one of a thousand different reasons.
If it's comments you desire, there are other forums that comment on everything people say. BUT IF YOU LOVE WRITING, WHICH I BELIEVE YOU TRULY DO, don't give up because of a bunch of US LAZY ASS READERS, who so enjoy your work and that of all the talent see here, are too damn lazy to get off out recliners and type a few words of our own.(as I write here in my recliner waiting for torn knee ligaments to heal).

Go Cathy!!!

Best Wishes

Judge not

Love and read your stuff. With the frequency of your posting we, being the weak humans we are, have started to look for major story line changes to really jump in and comment.

Cathy is a wonderful character but a little hint now and then as to where you are headed is essential.



terrynaut's picture

I'm afraid to start your bike serial because I have no willpower. Once I start, I'll read it continuously until I drop. ;)

I love Charlotte's Tale and Totally Insane but you don't post them very often. It's hard to get comments if you don't post, and now you say you won't post unless you get a lot of comments. That's a cruel catch-22! :(

Please add my vote to the "don't stop" side. :)


- Terry

Please Reconsider

Dearest Angharad,
I can not put to words how your stories are taken by others, But I know how I love them. Please stay!

The answers to all of life's questions can be found in the face of a true friend

The answers to all of life's questions can be found in the face of a true friend

And Now For Something Completely Different

Frank's picture

For what its worth, you have to make yourself happy by writing. If you are doing it as a chore just to please others then over time you will burn out on it.

Think back to when you started writing and what did you get out of it then? What's missing for you now? Is it something you can get back? Maybe you just need a break and a chance to re-group. If you stop writing, you can always start again so that's another option. It really comes down to what YOU want to do to make YOU yourself happiest.





Please Post

I am not one to comment often, I guess because I don't feel worthy and am very shy. Please continue to write and post. I like your stories a lot. It is stories like yours that keep me going.



So you want to quit writing!

To start, you have to ask yourself why you were writing in the, "1st place."

Writing should be fun! If it isn't fun anymore the take a break, but don't quit...
QUITING IS FOR LOSERS! and "YOU," yes you, Angharad, are "NOT A QUITTER"...

I'll tell you what you are.
You are a very good writer who brings alive with words on the paper/monitor, stories that I have had the pleasure and fortune of reading...

So if you need "ME TIME" then take it! "No Worries," But don't you dare just quit. If you do your not quiting on just us your readers, but your quiting on yourself!

Ok now that I'm put pressure on you!
Just kick back have a shot of some awful tasting liquor, then let your mind wander down the road of dreams, so you can decide do you want to do. Write for yourself and share it or are you going to stress out with other peoples comments that tell you how good or how bad they thought!

REMEMBER its you that you have to please no one else!

Well thats MY 2 cents so HUGGELS and be happy!
It couldn't hurt! "ROFL"



just had a look

kristina l s's picture

I've been coming here for 2 years and 36 weeks and in that time I've almost left probably 3 times. Yet I am still here, much to the chagrin of some perhaps, but so it goes. See I get depressed and have little 'hissy's' and decide no one loves me, hah, or that I'm so full of it anyway why do I inflict myself.... see there's a whole bunch of options to convince myself I'm crap and not worthy and all that self affirming stuff. A few have said I can write an okay story, which curiously aligns with my own belief. So hey, I'm still tryin'.

I would have been happy for you to bail on Bike after the Cathy into the light bit. But you decided to continue and I'm okay with that too. Yet I wonder if it is too much. Hell, I know I could write a bit each day, well theoretically, yet realistically there is no way in hell I could do what you have done with Cathy and Co. Shit if I wanted a real job I probably wouldn't be here, at least not as I am. So... your hits are maybe down a smidge, from the giddy heights of early Biking, maybe a decent drop, but damn girl you still do good and get hits and comments and I don't even want to know what the totals might be, drive me to bloody drink it would... well more so.

You write good and touch on things that matter. It may not all be mine or anywhere near where I'd go to look at things, but so what. I haven't read it all yet what I have I like, enough to vote... mostly, to comment sometimes and very often to nod or laugh or smile and every now and then bitch that I should have written that damn line.

So cut the crap eh, write as and when you want and don't make it a job. It's expression of self to others that read and maybe learn or at least see possibility. Perhaps think in a different way on something. I don't know you from Eve really, but I like and respect what I do know. So stiff drink, write what ya wanna write and no bloody melodrama, unless of course there's good cause for melodrama and it fits the damn story, then....

yours in semi pissed understanding , which is possibly worse than fawning sycophantsy (is that a word? Hey what the hell) just write somethin' huh and I'll likely tell you it isn't crap, which it almost certainly won't be, unlike mine (self defacing enough?) But, then there is ...sigh...the bloody weather, well you will live there won't you, sorry can't help with that.

I'm genuinely astonished

... and quite sorry to hear. I always thought you were one of the most popular authors here. You're certainly one of my favorites, and beyond that one of the people who made me feel welcome and at home here.

I do hope you'll reconsider, and at the very least finish "Whatever Next".

With a smile and a hug,


I Am Not A Fan

joannebarbarella's picture

Of EAFOAB (bet that shocks you!) Because I came in too late to feel that I could go back and read all the episodes and catch up, so I just dip occasionally and rarely comment or vote on that particular opus.
However, you are so prolific that I look forward to all your other work (when are you going to continue with your Welsh queen?) and I have to shake my head and wonder how you do it.
If you're tired or jaded by all means take a break, but please do not think of a permanent rupture with us here at BC. There can be no doubt that you are one of the star attractions. If you don't believe me just take a look at the "Popular Content".
Hopeful from Hong Kong,

I blame myself

Angharad, I have been reading your stories since before EAFOAB began. I love your stuff, sadly I have been taking you for granted and selfishly reading without ever commenting or saying thank you. I've only ever commented once before on any story here and I am sorry. The authors deserve feedback and thanks for their efforts and those of us who enjoy their work should gladly give it. Believe it or not, my day begins with my daily dose of Cathy, and when you take the occasional day off, my day just doesn't seem right. To top it off, my grandparents came to the US from south Wales in the 1920s and I really enjoy reading stories that take place in or reference an area my family is from.

So please don't feel unappreciated, you most certailny are appreciated and I look forward to the next installments of your many stories.


P.S. I am just finishing up the book "The Fools Tale" by Nicole Galland, set in 12th century Wales and one of the peripheral characters shares your name.

New Directions?

Don't stop, but if 'Easy' is no longer fun for you, Angharad, end it and move on to something else that gives you more satisfaction as a writer. And think twice, maybe, about ever committing again to grind out an episode a day -- after a while, it grinds you down as well. You should be writing first of all, for your own enjoyment, and only incidentally to please BCTS's diverse readership. I imagine that if you push yourself in new directions, you'll enjoy it more and, who knows, you'll please all of the readers some of the time and some of the readers all of the time. Hugs, Daphne


Keep Cycling

Dear Angharad
I have just finished reading all the comments to your questioning whether to stop posting or not. They do, as usual, better express how much your writing is appreciated on BCTS.
Whilst it would easy and rather selfish for me to say carry on, please just have a break. Just go and do all the other hobbies, pastimes and diversions you enjoy. Then, when refreshed, decide whether to restart your writing.
Personally, I will only start worrying about you, when you tell us you intend to swap Cycling for Bowls.
Love as always
Anne G.


I read your blog entry last night and I've taken some time to consider the following thoughts.

Firstly, please do not stop writing and publishing here. Your work is right up there with the best.

I had a look at the number of reads of EAFOAB and yes, it is dropping off slightly, but may be there is a reason for that. This is a TV/TS story site. But the story has progressed from that genre to a general fiction genre, about dormice, bankers, and personal relationships. So, whilst I would be sad not get my daily fix, maybe it is time to park the bike for a while (but please tie up some of the current loose ends first!), I'm sure I will get over the withdrawal symptoms sometime.

As far as comments are concerned, would you find a comment such as "Another great episode" repeated day after day helpful? At the time I usually read Bike, its about 1:30 am, and the most imaginative thing I can manage is to click on the voting button. Literary criticism is not something I like doing at the best of times, mostly because I'm worried about typing the wrong thing and upsetting someone!

Lastly, I bet you've never had to wait for a year before getting the first comment on one of your pieces! When that happened, I didn't stop writing, but changed direction. Yes I have stopped since, but that is due to the terminal imagination bypass I've been suffering!

Change your writing schedule, change your characters, write one off stories instead of serials. Change anything, but carrying on writing.


Thanks for all the supportive messages

Angharad's picture

I'm still trying to decide where I am and where I'm going. I've posted a new Bike, because I already had it largely written. It doesn't commit me to anything in the future.




While I did get frustrated with Your story of the biologist and the banker... I am enthralled by a few other stories you are writing.

I specially miss your installments on the Maddy Bell Site.

You have been working very hard on writing multiple stories at the same time. Why not take a break and take a moment to reflect on how your writing affects YOU instead of US. We will read anything you write... usually before other stuff. So we are in favour of your eventual return. Come back when you find yourself and are writing for you instead of pleasing us.


ps. Yes I do have fleas. You have one cat... I have 4.

Dunno how they used to be,

Dunno how they used to be, but I just found this place, and I'm reading. I don't know how the writing is now either, but I'm reading "Easy As Falling Off A Bike", and quite liking it. I'm only on part 140, but I'm still reading!

All I'm going to say is I

All I'm going to say is
I like reading your stories. You're a good writer.

Some days you're the pigeon, some days you're the statue

Well....I have followed this

Well....I have followed this site for over a year now, but never felt the need to register. Your blog posting changed that.
There are.....varying levels of writing on this site, with similar variation in both artistic flair and basic grammar. You have both. You also evince a humanity that shows through your writing, and although as a Welsh cyclist I may be seen as somewhat partial, your writings would be a sad loss.
I registered purely to say that. Enough of a positive comment for you?