Ever since I posted my new poem “Prison of the Heart”, I have been contacted by a few people that I respect and they have said that they are worried about me. They believe that because my poem is so dark that I must be having some serious problems. Some have even expressed concerns that I might be considering suicide. I want to reassure them and everyone else that I am not considering suicide.
To tell you the truth, I have a fear of death. I see death almost every day at the hospital where I work. I have seen the tragic side of death. I have also seen how much of a blessing death can be. I understand that death is a natural and inevitable part of life. Actually, it’s not really death that I’m worried about. It’s what comes after that scares me the most. I believe in god, but to tell you the truth I don’t necessarily believe in the afterlife and the thought of oblivion scares the shit out of me. I do not want to die. So please don’t worry about me.
As far as the tone of my poem, I’m a grumpy, irritable, and pain in the ass bitch!!!! So sue me. I have a lot of issues. So does everyone. I use my pain and my issues to inspire my writing. Just like my poem says, I’m tired of being sarcastic all the time. Sarcasm and humor have been my defense against the world for many years. I’m trying to change my life for the better. I want to stop being so sarcastic and such a bitch all the time. That desire is the main inspiration for my poem. I guess that I did not do a good job getting that point across.
I guess to sum up everything I’ll just say, thank you for your concern but please CHILL OUT!!!!
Jessica Marie
Some people just jump
to conclusions when they see something like that. I once wrote a poem where I depicted death as a female and a comforter. You wouldn't believe what my shrink thought of that one. Or maybe you would. :)
I understand, there are times when you just have to get things out. Even if you don't mean half of them, or understand the other half. Been there. I'm glad there is no reason for concern about you, but don't be too hard on the friends that were worried. They care or they wouldn't have jumped in like that.
Now that's something to hold nice and close on a cold night, isn't it?