Gender and Body swap book name

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I've forgotten the name of a book - I'm not sure if this is where I should be asking if anyone knows the book name?

Basically it's a body and gender swap novel. From memory the female wanted to be male and was acting out with her/his parents. The male who is the MC had no known gender issues. They met while on family holidays and there was some sort of accident that meant they swapped bodies. Because the families lived in different parts of the country the plan was for them to go and live with the others parents.

The MC ends up being attacked by the original body owner. The MC had also started his own business while at school so already had some money.

The MC ends up going overseas to live with an aunt(?) who is a musician (?) or who's boss is a musician. Other parts of the story are vague and I won't add more because I think I might be mixing up different book storyline.

Any help is appreciated.



0.25tspgirl's picture

Did it start with a tour bus over the cliff accident? Followed by a miracle intervention saving everyone but an imperfect miracle where at least 2 people switched bodies (and sexes)? Trying to remember that name-something to do with the saving intervention.

BAK 0.25tspgirl


That sounds like "My UEI - Unknown Entity Intervention" by Savannah Maun.