Today is International Talk Like A Pirate Day!
Three (3) years ago today, I posted the first chapter of my first BCTS story. My first serial story, Mary Celeste, was submitted as part of the 2016 Zombie/Ninja/Pirate/Spider challenge. The Mary Celeste serial story was never completed.
In 2016, Krispy Kreme had a "Talk Like A Pirate Day" special - if you talked like a pirate, you received a free donut! While watching the news that evening (09/19/2016), I saw a brief report describing the free donut offer. The news story was so appealing, that it inspired my to start a second serial called "Dress Like A Girl Pirate Day"!
The first chapter of "Dress Like A Girl Pirate Day" was posted on 09/30/2016. This story was also submitted as part of the Zombie/Ninja/Pirate/Spider Challenge and was never completed.
Regrettably, Krispy Kreme no longer offers the free donut on "International Talk Like A Pirate Day" in Southern California. However, this morning I read an Internet post from a South Australian TV station (7news) that Krispy Kreme (in that area) is offering the free donut special Today! More importantly, they have a second offer - come in dressed as a pirate and you get a dozen free donuts!!!
Hummm - I wonder???
I am working on a new chapter of Dress Like A Girl Pirate Day that will post later tonight (hopefully before midnight West Coast Time).
Dress like a pirate?
Been there, done that. The VA put pins in three of my toes on my left foot. I was handed crutches and told not to put any weight on it for three months. Okay this is going to need your imagination to fill out the picture. My friends asked for pictures which I never took. Next time I dress up, I promise to take pics.
Black satin, double breasted jumpsuit. Buttons down both sides of the fold over flaps. Culotte legs, really full from the hip, all the way to the floor. Red ribbon scarf wrapped around the waist and tied off on my right hip. Black boots, alas, cowgirl boots not pirate boots.but hey, they were boots.I ordered a pirate hat off eBay, gold band, big feather, and of all things a flower in the band. Overkill for sure but I'm all in. Really big heavy bold, gold earrings, Picked up gold spray paint at Wally World and painted a coupled dozen pennies and a dozen quarters gold. (gold doubloons and pieces of eight)
It's illegal to deface U.S. currency and if anyone claims I did what I just wrote, I'll deny it!
Thought it was gong to be a hilarious joke when I started out. The closer I got to the VA the more I started questioning my own sanity???? But like every foolish idea I have, once in motion it was too late to readjust. Two and a half hours later I was wishing I had a change of clothes with me but I wasn't smart enough to think of that. So I parked, crutched it into the VA and signed in. The ONLY time I've been in that section where it was totally full of vets in the waiting room. Could it get any worse? The staff that checked me in was calling all the others out of their offices to come and look at the pirate. They were all having fun and enjoying what I had gone and done. The vets???? You know, crusty old vets can be shocked. They aren't as totally immune to being stunned as one would think. When I sit down among them, they all tried to look at anything else besides me. I couldn't talk to them, they wouldn't look at me except for sneaking in peeks. I relaxed and thought it was funny. Everywhere I was stationed I was with a great bunch of people. These guys? Someone must have stolen their funny bone.
Oh well, the girls and guys at the VA had a lot of fun and so did I. My doc? She's still in doubt how to take me. Now that I'm back on two feet maybe next time I get an appointment with her I might go with a dress and heels? She already knows because she asked me what kind of shoes I wear. I told her cowboy boots, sneakers, and four and a half inch stiletto heels. And then pulled the heels out of the bag I was carrying.
I swear insanity runs in the family. I can't be the only one with one oar in the water. Can I?
Don't anyone answer that. Bru, Daphne, Nuuan, bite your tongue.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Biting my tongue as you wished
Although it doesn't seem to have an effect on my fingers typing at all :)
As for comments about only one oar in the water, I'll wait for Bru to post the short story she'll write over it...LOL
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
Row, Row, Row Your Boat Gently in a Circle
Is my tongue bleeding?
As for a story let's see.
Out of the last five stories I've posted here four have been rather forced (which the readerate has noticed). I've been trailed by a dogged black dog (and I'm not that found of dogs to begin with). While not Grand Danois sized it's been rather tiring. I think I've managed to dodge it now but I suspect it's still lurking out there somewhere.
I'm still looking for my old friend Joy. I keep trying to find her at the usual places we usually meet but so far I've only caught brief glimpses. If I manage to meet Joy again there will be a story coming. Maybe there will one even without meeting her :)
Comic twist.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Suzie's Pirate Nightmare
Hi Everybody!
For no apparent reason and without any context whatsoever
here's a passage from my work-in-progress OFF THE DEEP END:
~(Yes I'm still working on it + will resume posting it someday) Hugs, Veronica
Yawning, I opened my eyes to find myself was back in the flying saucer's bioengineering lab...
Which was a lot larger somehow. Big enough to accommodate a whirring starship engine the size of a house with strobing translucent panels that wouldn't have looked out of place in some Star Trek series. And where gathered around this antique four-poster bed I seemed to in were Three Fingers Mutton and a bunch of his stinky pirates. They were all wearing colorful little cone-shaped party hats with propellers on top; and some were playing with the alien's glowing hoop weapons, clearly not knowing what they were...
Over in the corner by the somehow-resurrected Machine-That-Goes-Bi-i-i-ng!! a trio of pirates played a fiddle, tin whistle and drum while the Sealonkan eyeball-god and bunny rabbit god and the weather guy from our local NBC affiliate danced the Sailor's Hornpipe, the whole scene flickering strangely like stop-motion animation...
Which probably should have tipped me off to the fact that I was still dreaming, but it didn't...
I gawked at Captain Mutton, horrified at finding myself back in the clutches of him and his goons. He said cheerfully, “Ah Susan, yer up! As ye can see, the old Celestial's magic elixer has worked like a charm! And didn't I tell yeh it would?! T'is a fine and fulsome wench it's made of you!”
I wracked my brain to figure out how this bunch of 1700's cutthroats could've ended up here of all places. “B-but we're on the alien's spaceship!”
“Aye, me lovely pet; But she's MY ship now. The riggin's a mite peculiar but a ship's a ship, and the Seven Seas were gettin' far too crowded fer me liking.”
“But we're in SPACE!”
“That we are, Lass. And out here there'll be no more havin' t' dodge Commodore Nosethorpe and his troublesome Tars! We'll be blazin' across the firmament, plunderin' the riches of a thousand worlds! And though though captivity n' thralldom shall be yer lot, ye'll have finery and frippery, jewels and gems and diadems, festoons n' plumes n' plums n' prunes such as no Earthbound queen would e'er dare dream of!”
I looked around. “But what happened to the aliens?”
He laughed that cruel laugh of his. “The wriggly-wigglies? For monsters fearsome enough to give Satan himself nightmares they scarce put up a fight before we dispatched them; wavin' their snakey limbs around like a pack o' ninnyhammers and yowlin': 'DANGER WILL ROBINSON! DANGER!! DANGER!!' I've got me lads out searchin' ev'ry deck fer this Robinson blaggard, tho' he's proving t' be most elusive...”
“You didn't have to kill them!”
“I suppose not; But t'was jollity itself ta do so! Did ye know those beasties swell up n' explode like fireworks when ye toss 'em out the airlock? By God's body, it was a sight ta see!” he chortled, so pleased with himself.
And I lost it!
'Sick, murdering thug', 'sociopath loser' and 'self-enfatuated pile of dog puke' were some of the nicer things I called him. I screamed that I would rather be Jabba the Hutt's 'lovely pet' and end up getting tossed into the Sand Pit of Carkoon than to be his!
The pirate captain wasn't grinning now. I'd disrespected him in front of his flunkies. “Well if that's how ye want it...”
They tied my hands behind my back and forced me into the airlock with the points of their cutlasses. Closed the inner hatch, and stood laughing and jeering at me through the little window. The outer hatch opened and a fierce wind yanked me out into an airless black void so cold it felt like I was being consumed by fire!
This was the first pirate nightmare I can recall having, but it sure wasn't the last! I've been having them at least two nights a week since Captain Mutton and his crew abducted me off that beach. These dreams might take place onboard a pirate ship, or on the alien's saucer, or once my high school had become this weird giant airship... but they all took me back to that horrible sense of helplessness that had gripped me back on the Invinceable.
My few hours on that ship were my first exposure to the hard-core predatory side of human nature that wasn't just some fictional portrayal in books or movies. I'd encountered real life bullies and violent types before; but those guys always had certain limits---a line they wouldn't cross---if only because they were afraid of going to jail. But these guys didn't have any limits. Controlled by neither society's laws or anything like a conscience, they would think nothing of killing you to get what they wanted, or if you were simply an inconvenience to them.
And they really didn't do much to me- not physically. Just made me feel genuinely helpless for the first time in my life, knowing what they could do, and that there was nothing in how they regarded me to keep them from doing it. Maybe this means I'd led a very sheltered life until now, but if I have I'm glad I did.
Sunday night was a real loss of innocence for me, profound enough that it's become a recurring part of my dream life, and has left me with a weird fear of parrots, but I wouldn't go so far as to call it PTSD.
Although I did have that scary total meltdown on Chiro's favorite holiday in mid-September; alarming him and his parents and all my friends when I went into a flashback where I thought I was back on the Invinceable and started running around screaming and trying to fight my friends, and somehow ended up on the roof of their house until Pepper climbed up there talked me down. But this was kind of my fault. I should've known better than to go to a TALK LIKE A PIRATE DAY party so soon after I got home.
I burst awake gasping for breath, relieved to find that my lungs pulling in air instead of being pulled inside out by that burning cold nothingness. And for a second was afraid that I might still be dreaming---somehow locked into an endless cycle of nightmares and bogus awakenings---before deciding that as bizarre as my surroundings were I was really awake this time. I don't think I have ever been so glad to find myself on a flying saucer in a room full of tentacle monsters!
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
A question
Why are pirates pirates?
Because they AAARRRRRR!