Are there any TG urban magical and/or science fantasy school stories — think A Certain Magical Index/A Certain Scientific Railgun/A Certain Scientific Accelerator or The Asterisk War? To be more specific, I'd be interested in some that start out with the male protagonist tripping over themselves when they find out to their surprise that they've been assigned a female roommate like in Chivalry of a Failed Knight or IS: Infinite Stratos — yes, I know that this sort of situation sounds…unorthodox, to say the least —…but then leaves said main character turned into a girl himself soon after the tale begins. (For additional reference, there's also Beast 9, a TG mecha manhwa I found and have started reading, but that series's main character doesn't have a roommate.)
Elegant solution
Write one! :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Okay :)
I'm writing one, you talked me into it.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Well, that was fast… I'll join in with the chatter in its comments section for further discussion.
Always with a song in their heart.
Lyrical magical, confound it all; I've gone and gotten myself stuck lost somewhere deep in the Infinity Library again…
well, Erin quoting Toni Morrisson seems to be a reasonable way to go ;-)
While not a 100% fit to your specs (not 'guy assigned to the girl's dorm', but 'male assigned to a female locker / changing room due to lack of space, and the -somewhat sentient- school being unhappy with that anomaly and rectifying it'), the 'Changing Room' universe by Xoop comes to my mind. The English Student by Sunwolf gives a nice intro IMHO.
Re: Recommendation
Thanks, I'll give that one a look! What order do the other stories in that universe go in, though, if any; do you know?
Always with a song in their heart.
Lyrical magical, confound it all; I've gone and gotten myself stuck lost somewhere deep in the Infinity Library again…
To begin with...
I would recommend
It should occupy you for a couple of weeks...
And a good story.
And next...
And follow up stories
This should sustain you through September at least.
And then there are Camp Cumoni, Princess and the Plague, Peaches...
Being Christina Chase is not about school or coed, and no apparent magic (apart from everybody's dream where all think you are a girl even when you are not wearing wig, makeup, corset etc...)
Whately keyword will get you 2 to 3 years of uninterrupted reading with SF/superheroes in highschool if you like this kind of stories.
I am a bit envious... I have to reread my favourites for the fifth time to occupy my evenings :-)
BTW, Saga of Tuck by Ellen Hayes - it is not SF, but still one of the best stories. Must read.
Thank you very much! I'll take a look at most or all of those. And, yeah, the Whateley Academy universe is great! I got sidetracked from it for a bit, though, and need to get back into it… It's just that the campus's neighboring town of Dunwich is more of a small, hidden gem of a town — almost a village, really, and I believe I recall it actually getting referred to as such — than it is the sort of sprawling urban metropolis that features heavily in the material I was looking for parallels to in the first place. (Not quite sure why I've been gravitating towards that kind of setting lately, though; hmm… — guess there's a reason for that I just haven't figured out yet…? Quietly wonders…)
Always with a song in their heart.
Lyrical magical, confound it all; I've gone and gotten myself stuck lost somewhere deep in the Infinity Library again…
"why I've been gravitating towards that kind of setting lately, though; hmm… — guess there's a reason for that I just haven't figured out yet…?"
Maybe you are young? I loved magic and SF stories some 20-15 years ago. Any story however badly written was my favorite. And some 30-35 years ago there was no Internet and no stories of this kind available... and I just daydreamed and dreamed that something magical will turn me into girl... Then some 10 years ago something clicked and I still read magic, SF or fantasy stories, but only if they are good.
And there is many more good stories here.
"Educating Danielle" not exactly finished and on - very good coming of age story interwoven with older CD life. "I can't go home like this" - more or less finished (if you like open endings), also on storysite. "How I Spent My Summer Vacation" by Crystal also a "must read"... (also on Crystal's storysite). They are "oldies", but I found storysite before I found BCTS, and i had found BCTS because there was a mention in some still alive forum post on storysite, when Crystal stopped writing and more or less disappeared...
Also a "must read" - Seasons series about Aunt Jane's "girl school for wayward boys". Some of the stories you can find here on BCTS, some on Tiger and Brandy site... And one of my favorite authors Ellen Hayes (who just disappeared after blog that new chapter will be up soon) had done hilarious crossover of Tuck and Seasons. Also a must read.
Tales of Anmar... Fantasy/SF/"A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court" kind of stories I love and eagerly await for new chapters.
Anyway, there is about 5 years of reading time of very good stories on BCTS, 10 years more of just good stories. And they are coming and coming! Lifeline, Space Battleship Texas (just started, only 4 chapters up, but I want a hibernation device to skip all of that waiting for a next chapter :-) ) Warriors Way looks very promising, also there are just 2 chapters up, but you should like it - it looks like it gonna be high school age mutants in LA...
Wow, Thanks!
Lots of great recommendations to look at here! As for Tales of Anmar, I actually just finished Somewhere Else Entirely and Voyage of the Visund recently and hope to read the rest of that universe soon; I've enjoyed that a lot as well.
Always with a song in their heart.
Lyrical magical, confound it all; I've gone and gotten myself stuck lost somewhere deep in the Infinity Library again…