July 27th
August 26th
September 3rd
September 4th
September 24th
October 8th
May 15th
Turn in FAFSA
Move to Michigan
Roommate (with same major at same college in SAME CLASS and SAME SECTION) receives Financial Aid Stipend
Call and inquire where the hell's my FA? Informed that I have to verify my income. Why wasn't I informed? Dunno.
Fax Verification
FA Office receives notice that I must RESEND Verification
Inquire where the hell's my FA? Informed that I need to resend my verification. Why wasn't I told when you got word I needed to? Dunno, but we can't start it until you put a zero on the line you left blank
My Take On It.
I don't "send" anything when I can hand carry it. If I do have to send it, I get a signature from them that they got it. I kiss ass until my lips are brown. If you get pissy with anyone you want something from, they'll screw you.
The voice of harsh experience.
Hand Carry
Doing so from Kansas City, Missouri -- where I was -- or from Port Huron, Michigan -- where I am -- to Clinton, Iowa, is not exactly feasible. You don't get to request that your financial aid office sign for your paperwork, they'll just send it back to the Post Office.