He was a 19 yo Siamese. got him in 2000. Basically stopped eating, was down to skin and bones, Even though the vet eased his passing with an injection, he died of old age. I'm going to miss that old cat.I have a lot of trouble crying, I cried yesterday. My roommate handled the details. His name was Tiger ,His nicknames was Monster, and Asshole.
My sympathies. It's difficult your pets become family. When my dog passed away I felt like I'd lost my best friend.
Have delightfully devious day,
So sorry for your loss.
I’m so sorry for your loss
19 is a very good age for a cat. I don’t look forward to losing mine though she is only about 4 years old and should live at least 10 more years.
I made a wonderful friendship with my neighbor’s outdoor cat when he chose me to be his friend.
It lasted about two years until somebody kicked him and my neighbor put him down. He lost the use of his rear legs and who knows whether he should have been put down for that. I am angry for the decision and though I did not own him, the neighbors knew he loved me, spent a lot of time with me, and should’ve at least offered me the chance to take care of him.
I still miss him as I am sure you will miss him.
I sympathise with your loss.
I have had to watch as a vet gave a beloved furry member of the family a gentle assistance to pass on. It sucks and hurts.
I have found that this poem means a great deal to me.
- Leona
Brought tears
This brought me to tears. My wife of 29 years crossed over a little over three years and I have no doubts that she met up with family and pets when she did.
I am so sorry sweetie
if youneed a shoulder, pm me, and in the meantime, have a shipment of huggles
I'm sorry for your loss.
I'm sorry for your loss.
In time you will remember the joy your companion gave you more vividly than the grief of your separation.
With Hugs,
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
I'm so sorry. I know how
I'm so sorry. I know how painful it is. Sending love.
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
Just... hugs!
Rest in peace, sweet Tiger
What borders on pure insanity?
Canada and Mexico.
It hurts to loose a old friend that give you so much love and pleasure. One of my furry friends is 13 and for a dog getting old every time she is sleeping and doesn't respond to calling her we get very upset.
God bless the year you had kitty
My sympathies
When my first dog passed away I was out of town at college I just got the call they had to put her down without any prior warning to me I was heartbroken I cried a lot too didn’t do go to class that day and was a wreck for at least a week. I completely understand how you feel.
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
I'm in sympathy
I had to put down a cat we'd had for 16 years. She was a feral kitten my wife found hiding under her grandmother's hedge. And then a dog we rescued after someone quite literally dumped out of a car window while cruising our neighborhood when my kids were young. My family left me to do it because they couldn't handle it. My instructions both times were, "Wait until no one else is here and then take care of it. I buried both of them in our back yard. We've since moved and can't even visit the graves.
The cat never really warmed up to any of us, even my wife who paid the most attention to it. But the dog was really more my dog than anyone else's. That was hard. It's been 19 years since I put him down and even today I still miss him and a tear comes to my eye thinking about him.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann