So I had an interesting day at work today I’m a security guard at a certain building in Texas I just recently transferred to this posting and it’s my second day at the post everything was quiet the first day yet today I had one bomb threat and had to escort a verbally combative individual From the premises he was making threats of coming back tomorrow as I escorted him out so all in all an interesting day 2 Who knows what tomorrow will bring
I did security
i much preferred boring days, when I could get one ...
Yup all the hubbub took away
Yup all the hubbub took away from my Netflix viewing time lol
Boo! Time is best spent
Boo! Time is best spent reading the stories here!
Just joking, I know sites like this are filtered so unless you used your cellphone or tablet it's hard to do :(
I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime