On the first page of this weekend's magazine in the Financial Times is an article on Miss Vera's who runs 'a finishing school for cross-dressers'.
It's all getting so very main stream. The Financial Times! Who'd have thought it. Must be all those bankers with fat purses and time on their hands.
It can be read on http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/31bf8aa2-8938-11dd-8371-0000779fd1...
If He Weren't on the Other Side of the Continent...
I'd suspect Nom de Plume was behind this somehow... Not that he's the only one who writes about crossdressers' schools, but this comes so close (right down to the lawyer element) to his premise in the House of Fabulous series that it's a little scary.
Perhaps you'd like to find out more...
Miss Vera's has a web presence here.
Looking at the tuition fees
I'm in the wrong job, talk about daylight robbery. Some of the photos on the website are a bit tacky. So maybe, I'm in the right job after all - Bonzi's paw maiden!
Angharad 8)
I agree with you on the photos...
Surely they could have found some less tacky ones. Maybe you could take on some clients, on the side... And supliment Bonzi's food budget a tad.
I love...
the last line of this article,
'I teach them that they can live with it, celebrate it, and have great shoes as well.'
I suppose the FT is the 'pink paper'.
Carol Anne: I know Miss Vera
Carol Anne: I know Miss Vera personally and she is a very nice person. I also know someone who is a graduate and benefited greatly from attending. She also takes her graduates to 'Night of 1000 Gowns' in NYC every year and they have a great time.
Carol Anne
That's great to hear...
It IS nice when a service business REALLY provides a service.