An update on the layoff

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Regarding my previous blog. First, I'd like to thank everyone who rang in and offered their sympathies. Although the writing had been on the wall for a good amount of time, it came as a shock. I am still feeling down, but I believe I've accepted the reality of the situation. I wasn't prepared for the emotional impact and I truly feel as if I am in mourning.

I received the information on the severance and was shocked to see how low the amount is. I've never had any illusions that the company I work for cares one bit about me, but it really is quite the slap in the face. A friend of mine had something similar happen to them almost thirty years ago and they were give a severance almost four times the amount I would get if I stayed on. Suffice it to say I am beginning the process of looking for another job.

One of my coworkers has offered to help me get a position at his wife's place of work and I've submitted an application so please keep your fingers crossed. In addition, if that doesn't pan out, I've caught wind from another coworker of possible positions opening up at another location which is yet to be opened within the next month or two in which I would be qualified for. Also my direct boss has also told me that when he will be looking for employment elsewhere and when gets settled if he's in a position to help me get a job he will give me a ring. I've been very touched that so many of the people I work with would be willing to help me out and I just wish I could return the favor.

I hope that those of you who are in a similar boat as me are able to find employment and you have nothing but my deepest empathy and understanding. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

Edit: For those that are interested, as I predicted I wasn't able to write much for the first couple days after the announcement, but I'm now back to putting word to paper (figuratively speaking) and it has been a very welcoming distraction.

Have a delightfully demented day,

Daniel A. Wolfe



so sorry to here about your layoff. I've been there to but I didn't get anything from the company I work for we had the weekend off when everyone show up for work on monday the gates were lock and a sign was posted that the company close and moving out of the country.

That's a low blow

Daniela Wolfe's picture

Thank you,

The least they could have done is given you notice. I don't understand why a company would pull a stunt like that. I do hope you found better employment.

Have delightfully devious day,

Let me tell you a story...

Let me tell you a story...

It will be a bit of a ramble but bear with me.

When I was in a similar situation the office was primarily doing in-house engineering for a couple of company-owned plants which were being sold. Once the sale went through we would be redundant, the buyers having their own engineering staffs.

Several dozen employees got together and brainstormed the situation. They had the core of a pretty strong engineering firm including support staff. Starting a new engineering consulting firm would be tough, but...

How about becoming a branch office of an existing engineering consulting firm that currently lacked a presence in the area? They identified target firms, but together a marketing brochure including resumes and prepared a presentation. After marketing themselves to a half-dozen firms they found two who were seriously interested and negotiated terms with one.

It worked! They became employees of the new firm, did all the scut work of opening the new office and started marketing their services and getting clients.

Things don't last forever. They did well for a decade or so, but industry changes eventually forced the new place to close. But in that time people were employed, gaining new skills and experience, and in some cases getting to retire.

I don't know if that is a useful case study for your situation, but I felt like sharing the story!


{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}

Thank you

Daniela Wolfe's picture

It's a nice thought and I thank you, but I don't know if it would work too well in my case.

Have delightfully devious day,