Some of you may know this, most of you probably don't, but I've mentioned here in comments that I was afraid for my job. Well, it appears, just as I feared, that I will be getting laid off by April.
I do have my tax return to fall back on, and since the company I work for is closing the entire office, I will get what you might call a bonus for staying on until the bitter end as we have a lot of loose ends to tie up. I don't know if that's going to happen. I remain undecided at this moment, news has only just trickled down this morning so I'm unsure what this 'bonus' amount will be, but suffice it to say I am in a good enough financial situation that I should be able to keep myself afloat for some time after my final day. I'm trying to stay positive about this but it's hard. I am really bummed about this, there are a lot of friendships I've made over the course of my employment and truth be told I've gotten very comfortable where I'm at in life. Also, I hate job hunting. Good news is I have enough experience and expertise to help me land another job and some of those skills could crossover into other fields if absolutely necessary.
What does this mean for my writing and my website? Well, I have another year of web-hosting paid for my website. So I won't need to worry about keeping up on any payments. Internet is included in my rent so as long as I keep that up I should still have access. I'm pretty down today and don't feel up to writing or really doing much of anything, but when I get bad news of this sort I tend to spend a day or two feeling sorry for myself and jump right back into my writing so I wouldn't expect any delays in that regard. Even if it were I have enough of a backlog that it will be months before it becomes an issue.
Everyone have a delightfully demented day (at least better than the one I'm having),
Daniel A. Wolfe
in the same boat
I'm in the same boat except mine has already happened. It was only myself and one other person at our branch covering IT for a data center. Neither one of us was happy about it and he is looking for something else himself (team unity!) I've managed to save some to stay afloat as well but I had just moved back into my own place which is cosmic (more like bad comic) timing. Plus, my old company kind of screwed up some of my benefits which means I'm out of pocket on medical matters for now...
I'm sorry to hear that
I'm sorry to hear that. I know it's rough. I went through a very similar thing, but fortunately, due to my years of service and age, I got a very generous package for staying on to the bitter end. That, of course, did not make up for the loss of work friendships and the general loss of a comfortable life situation, just as you said.
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
If it gets down to it, we have our own small hosting company, QnEZ. We rent space in a premium co-location farm and have several servers there besides the seven we run BC on. Most of the other servers are running other websites in the TG community. Let us know if you need a lilypad to land on, our rates are more than reasonable for community sites.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Hopefully, I'll have found another job by the time it becomes an issue. I'll keep it in mind, and have been looking at Qnez for a while now.
Have a delightfully devious day,
been there
Pretty much 3 years to the day ago. A bunch of us still socialise a few times each year - we might all have moved on to pastures different but we enjoy each others company still.
It's easy to get settled in at a job after a few years, its no surprise that there's a deep sense of loss when it ends suddenly. I've had it twice and even knowing what to expect the second time it was no easier. It does give you a chance to reset your life, look at your priorities and hopefully gain by the change.
Don't fret too much, I hope you can move on in good time.
Madeline Anafrid Bell
Thanks all
Thanks everyone,
I'm still feeling bummed out, but it's as they say misery loves company. Just reading that other folks are or have been in my boat does help.
LookingGlass Hopefully we'll both be able to find new employment before it's any issue.
Have a delightfully devious day,
I was just laid off too.
Looking for a job in java/kotlin/flutter/javascript.
Anyway, reading your stories is a GREAT distraction.
Been there
And well I'm still doing it.... My job evaporated almost 2 years ago, I'm somewhat of a JOAT but not particularly good at anything, lots of barely adequate skills (the worst of which seems to be job hunting [probably why I suck big time at sales]) and no prospects in sight... Very superblue days for me a lot anymore.
Hang in there
Layoffs and me are old friends though I have made an effort to alienate that particular relationship.
I have been through 7 of them and it’s never fun to get escorted from the building.