Yesterday, with great disappointment, I noticed that all of StacyInLove's content has gone, both here and on FM. Over the years, I've enjoyed reading, and rereading their stories. I hope this is only a temporary move, and that someday soon these stories will return.
Thank You!
I am pepetually surprised when anyone takes notice of my ramblings... or would even know that that they are gone!
I am happy to admit that I am FINALLY starting to transition in the real world. For family and friends who now know... I was hoping to spare them from having to explain my stories - which weren't always so sweet.
I feel sad to dissapoint anyone (assuming anyone else notices too). The stories (and even more so the wonderful community that Erin has cultivated here) are too wonderful for me to abandon completely. I may indeed return some select pieces at some point down the road... but the swirling winds of my life at the moment have been too all-consuming to offer more just now.
I will comment and correspond and support the site (even by making ALL my Amazon purchases through the link here).
So thank you for noticing little ol' me... and for all the love, joy and support you have all shown me through the years.
Hugs Always,
Your stories have always been delightful (and sweet more often than not!) I'm so happy to hear you've begun your transition. I completely understand how it can require your entire focus though. I started myself 2 years ago and although its been the best 2 years of my life since then it's also been the busiest. I never realized just how much was shut away behind and how many opportunities were bypassed because of the mask I was holding up to the world. Still, I wouldn't go back for anything. I have the support of my friends and loved ones and I hope you will too. Good luck and I look forward to the day when you feel you can repost your lovely stories.
Hello Stacy
Thank you for the prompt response. I wish you all the best for the future, and that there are no major problems for you with your friends and family.
In the meantime, there is always the wayback machine which has most, but not all, of your stories available.
Many thanks.
By the sound of things...
By the sound of things...
it's drastic but it's something down with great care and for irrefutable reason and the best that we could hope for. I just hope that you are able to re-post them in the future when things die down and stabilize but what's best for you is what matters most.
I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime
Being yourself.
My motto since learning to read and write at 15/16 years of age, has been that of Polonious in the Shakesperian play Hamlet. - " To thine own self be true and it shall follow as night unto day that thou cans't be false to others. "
If you feel that your stories (Whichever ones - warts and all,) contain any of what you feel is the true you then re-post those at least. I promise you that as you pick your way through them, you will double down on the stuff that has real meaning to you and that will help you in your forthcoming journey through transition.
I've never been so happy to see someone remove their stories
Finally, someone's doing it for a good reason.
I think I know the stories you're worried about people seeing
and I agree that it might be best to err on the side of caution,
(even if I didn't it's none of my bizness + totally your call...)
But I hope you'll someday be in a place where you can repost some of them
(probably not that 2-parter that takes a D/s scenario to about its ultimate extreme).
Until then Congratulations Stacy!!!!
and please don't make a stranger of yourself...
~hugs, Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
I'll Miss You
You're one of the very few authors whose stories I always read as soon as they are posted.
I understand your motives.
Good luck. I hope everything is as pleasant for you as you deserve.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
A rose in the cracks
I have read this a few times on kindle unlimited and can't find it on the payback archive. Anyway to sell it on Amazon again so I can actually buy it this time?