Hotel Framework For Stories

Just now I was reading a very negative review of a television sitcom that's based in a hotel.

One of the reviewer's remarks got me thinking... [italics added]


What may be most mind-boggling about [the program] is not the fact that [the network] went to the trouble and expense of assembling a reasonably decent cast and then set them adrift with terrible material full of lame stereotypes. No, the surprising part is that [they] missed the golden opportunity of any hotel-set show: The chance to have a weekly plot revolve around a hotel guest.


So... decent cast... terrible material... lame stereotypes... Sounds like heaven to me!

In any case, the fixed cast is (of course) the hotel staff. The guests wander in and out. Maybe there are long-term guests, standing jokes, recurring situations.

What I would love to do, if I had the time (but don't) would be to build (in stories) a hotel and its staff and use it as the framework for TG-related stories.

Once the hotel is more or less set, other writers could locate stories there as well.

Keep in mind that even if the original inspiration was a would-be comedy, any individual story could be tragedy, horror, mystery, only-a-dream, etc.

But sticking with the television-world premise that any situation -- even the end of the world -- can be wrapped up in a single episode.

Ooh! It suddenly strikes me: has someone done this already?

If not, have at it!