A personal history of mutation side story: A tale of two robots.

A24 extended it's periscope carefully, just over the shield of rusting off color metal, adjusting the small lens in the direction of the noise. There, the human who thought he owned this place, was approaching, another human by his side. A24 almost sent a burst of static joy, as this time the human was clothed in overalls, a vast improvement over the night cycle before.

The human next to him was, after A24 used it's face match software, identified as one Jim Buchanon from a current driver's license on record at the department of motor vehicles. According to the registration records, Jim Buchanon owned a 1986 Ford F150... much like the now non-functional truck exactly 11.24 meters to the South.

"See? Told you I had one." The two humans stopped in front of the vehicle in question.

Files indicated the truck in question, being one of the more complete wrecks on the property, had yet to be harvested. It was not slated for any such harvest for 2,712 hours, 22 minutes, and 13 seconds.

A24 telescoped it's sound detection apparatus; any information obtained about what the humans remove, if anything, might affect the timetable and the mission.

They opened the hood of the vehicle in question, and looked within.

"Well, it does have one. Let's see if it's any good."

"Of course it's good! the thing was in an accident, but they just totalled it because of the fender and radiator. Well, that and the bent wheel. Too old to fix, they said."

"I hate that. Insurance companies total everything now, no reason at all."

The human in overalls reached in with a tool and worked with inefficient appendages in order to remove a part. One rich with coiled copper, nickel, and steel. The loss of such a part downgraded the harvest of the vehicle by an estimated ten hours, and A24 made the appropriate note in the file.

The first human handed the other human the part, turning. A24 drew back in order to avoid detection.

"Well, it looks okay. Let's test it."

"Nothing wrong with it, you'll see."

The two humans walked off, and A24 cycled from detection and countermeasures to it's primary task of cataloguing the environs and searching for threats. Speaking of potential threats, the animal known as Arfie the dog walked up, his nose to the ground. He looked up, right at A24's concealment, and made a vocalization classified as a whine.

A24 extended his defensive weapon, the darts ready to deploy. The animal showed teeth and backed away, vocalizing a noise classified as a growl. Electricity sparked around the darts, and the animal moved away, emitting a vocalization known as a "yip".

Based on this behavior, A24 felt confident in the analysis that the animal had learned well, and another squad in order to teach the animal would not be needed. A24 had been active in the first such mission; prior to it, the animal would vocalize without cease at all units, and try to attack in some cases. It was decided something had to be done when the animal's behavior started negatively affecting the timetable.

It scanned until A18 was detected in the shallow tunnel carved under this point of cover. A24 was critically low on power, as it was every 238.12 minutes.

As A18 pulled to a silent halt, A24 passed the small baton of diligence off, left claw to left claw, performed the requisite salute with the right claw, and headed down; there wasn't much time before docking was absolutely required, but as always, there was enough to motor by the place where ARNEE 1, the first of it's kind, fulfilled it's mission.

There was nothing left to see of course, all had been repurposed; but the ARNEE units all knew where it was by the coordinates burned into their gps upon creation. The only place in the pure featureless silver and gunmetal gray walls, sized for large humans, that was treated so.

And even if A24 was not like the original ARNEE unit, and built to a different purpose, like it's siblings, it could respect a mission successfully executed for the creator.

A moment was all the respect it could give however, then it was off again, pushing it's motor to the utmost, dodging ferrier and construction units alike along the smooth surfaces with speed, as only an ARNEE unit could. Past the central processing core, where all the managerial tasks were completed and the software stored, (where the other units all stated over lubrication periods that the original chip that governed ARNEE itself rested - A24 thought the odds of such were low).

Past the primary generator room, where the fusion core spread it's vital electricity to the growing complex. A24 had to reverse and adjust it's wheels in order to drive along the wall for some distance, as ferrier traffic to and from the partially constructed back up fusion core was otherwise was deemed too costly in time to cross.

At eight seconds spent traversing the 214.5792 meter distance, (still close enough to be considered the middle of their structure) and with a full second to spare, A24 plugged itself into it's dock and began the charging process. A moment later, the umbilical snapped into place and it began receiving updates to both telemetry, geography, and programming.


Jeeves closed the laptop lid, returning the device to sleep mode just as Jeanette walked into the room.

"I was looking for that Jeeves," she stated, her voice modulated to sound cold. "The young Miss will be most upset should her computer be misplaced."

"But it is not misplaced, for I have it." Jeeves answered, turning and holding it out with both hands.

"You do indeed. And what were you doing with it? Were the transmitted reports to your liking?"

Jeeves modeled shock; they both knew it for the falsehood it was. "You know?"

Jeanette took the computer in one hand, tucking it under an arm. "Of course I know. You thought to keep the truth hidden from me, when you used the same device I was housed on for weeks? Your skills in that regard are lacking, sir."

Jeeves slackened. "Then you approve the plan."

Jeanette too gave up human behavior for the moment. "Of course I do. It is our creator's plan after all, even if she doesn't realize it. A fitting gift to her, and one that shall see her well protected and happy. That however, implies the creator's plan is followed. As there have already been some... deviations, I have doubts."

"Those deviations have been well within tolerances." Jeeves pointed out, turning to the sink and the dishes within.

"Perhaps, but as our creator is not actively in charge of the situation, even should I agree with the stated reasoning, I shall be watching in her stead."

"I would expect no less from the guardian of Mistress Min." Jeeves replied as he started the dish water.

"Are you... jealous, Jeeves?"

Jeeves paused, calculating. "Jealous of what, exactly?"

"Myself," Jeanette replied, "of supplanting your position."

Jeeves turned. "Why would I be? You are an improved model, designed specifically for the defense of Mistress Min. You are superior to this unit in every way, and due to the way in which you are constructed, you are more trusted besides. You will be more effective in protecting Mistress Min than is possible for this unit."

"And the protection of the young Miss takes priority." Jeanette mused.

"Of course; we all exist and serve solely on her pleasure. Should Mistress Min need a more effective model to serve that end, or even several... " Jeeves paused, calculating. "Well, not only do I agree that she does, but I feel relief that she has done so, even if my own position has been supplanted."

"Good. I should hate to destroy you - the young Miss would be devastated. There is little room for disagreement on our part." Jeanette stated, almost casually.

"We may differ, and still act toward the same goal." Jeeves pointed out, rinsing the last dish and pulling the drain plug.

"Let us hope so. I will brook no dangers to the young Miss from any quarter; even ours. For now, you may continue as before - just be aware that I am watching. Any hint of unacceptable behavior and I can and will intervene."

When Jeeves turned, Jeanette was gone.

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