Story and Author suggestions please!

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Hello everyone!

I recently came across this site a few days ago and just created an account!

The community seems lovely, and I'd really appreciate some suggestions on particular authors or stories to read!

Personally, I like sentimental stories and slow transition/gender realization stories, but I'm pretty flexible and I'd love to hear peoples' thoughts on the best authors and stories to check out!

So happy to be here!



gaby by maddy bell ---- under authors at top of this page go to maddy bell in the authors list. -- then when you see gaby book 17 chapters, scroll down to bottom of page, then click on last page where at the bottom is a box that says gaby. after clicking on this you will see a list of gaby books in order 1 to 17. each book has 40 chapters.

a couple...

the Camp Kumoni saga and it's follow-up stories by Anistasia Allread(semi-forced crossdressing turned into transition)
Any of Leslie Moore's stories

There's a few action-oriented series that deal with a slow transition like "Unaccounted Gains" and the related "Tamara's Tales" by Shiraz.

Currently, there's a realization/slow transition story being written by Jessie Wolf called "Racing Angels" however it's only a few weeks into the series.

I'd offer my own as suggestions, but mine aren't slow transitions as the characters in mine are all either fully transitioned or have known they were transgender for years before they were allowed to transition. They also tend to focus on their families and are interconnected so it's hard to only read those transitioning stories without having read previous stories...

I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime

I'd Add

Sammi's picture

'Through the Years' to those Ef suggested

While the story doesn't totlally fit the required list it meets several, and the MC has a journey of self discovery

another would be Jennifer Sue's 'Oddeesy' series, the first of which "A Summer's Odyssey" is now on kindle

"REMEMBER, No matter where you go, There you are."

Sammi xxx

Read Me!

Maddy Bell's picture

Of course I will promote me, the Gaby saga, Nena adventures and much more - something for all tastes.

I'd also suggest anything by Angharad, Tammy by Shiraz - well that should keep you going for a while.


Madeline Anafrid Bell

I am almost envious...

You will get to read some truly wonderful series in big blocks. I would also recommend Gaby... but you may get spoiled by youre binge-reading from the start (which is SO much richer than a chapter-by-chapter approach as they are released here).

But not to worry... Maddy Bell is releasing chapters in her 17th book here which you can binge read. Aside from saying that you truly should not be put off by that length... I would also caution that you will be SO sorely tempted to continue the Gaby series on Amazon for more. (She is close to releasing Book 23 I believe/hope)!

Speaking of more (or Moore)... it really is too bad that Leslie Moore's Wildcats is no longer here in its entirety. Wonderful "prequel" chapters and stand-alone solo chapters may tempt you to Amazon for her seminal work too but again... I am jealous of your journey's start.

Bronwen Welsh's works are wonderful too. There are no Amazon titles (less you think that I am plugging for book sales). They are all here and begging to be binge-read too... where the transition will remain fresh in your mind. The chapter-by-chapter releases are so easy to lose a little of that in the new chapters that come out... but you will still lose yourself in the charcter's delightful feminity that only her trans perpective could possibly allow (along with an acting talent that drifts so far from any act).

You will wish that Bronwen expanded her talents to other works too.

Jealous jealous jealous...

The Box's Pandora series is another wonderfu (though not epically long) series that will hook you on Morpheus' AMAZING story telling.

There are almost too many talented authors to mention. I think that the 140+ chapters of Ellen Hayes' Tuck series is one of the early serials that almost defined the tg-serial... and will have you praying that Ellen may someday continue with more.

There are so many woderful solos here as well... which I would strongly recommend too.



suggested reading

Alecia Snowfall's picture

Tiffany Shar
Jennifer Sue
Paula Dillion
simply go to my account and click in my bookmarks. Have fun.

quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall

there are so many amazing authors here

I could fill a page listing them all. go to my account and bookmark page and you'll see a small sample. And you might even enjoy a few of mine as well ...


If I may toot my own horn

BarbieLee's picture

Almost a Girl was posted as a serial but it is complete.
Took a lot of heat from some readers for the way it developed. If you like slow getting there then this one should jump start your engine. Otherwise?
Yeah, and it takes some getting use to me too.
Life is a gift. Treasure it until it's time to return it.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Lots of Choices

Admiral Krunch - Being Christina Chase
Louise Anne - all of her stories
Kaleigh Way - Short Chapters & The Marcie Donner Stories
Kelly Ann Rogers - The New Job
Penny Lane - all her stories are great. Start with Somewhere Else Entirely
Savannah Maun - Who the Hell am I? (still in progress)
Jennifer Brock - Oscar Night
There are many others. All of the stories I've listed are available on this site.

Snowfall's stories

dawnfyre's picture

she has several that fit, most notably Frills and The pom-pom fortress, both on amazon / kindle.
Zoe and Ashley's Magic of the Kingdom stories, Left at Eden and the Robinverse stories.

Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.

author penny lane

has a story universe called - somewhere else entirely. - other authors have also written stories in this universe.

So many to choose from.....

There are so many good authors here and their stories range from quick/slow, magical/ normal/science/mutations/etc. Many of the authors have a variety of story changes so don't discount any because 1 or 2 of their stories is a quick change. I have often found very good stories by reading the random story (left side of Home) or a random author (listed on the lower right side of Home page).

Some of my very favorites I read at least once every year. To list just a few: Penny Lane (any), Angharad (any), Morpheous (any), Tels (any), Dorothy Colleen (any), Maddy Bell (Gaby), Melanie E (any), Megan Cambell (Sarah Carerra), Melanie Brown (any), Belladonna (any),... and there are too many to list here. You might want to try using the Search feature.

Sooo, Welcome to BCTS and good luck with your reading.

Erin G

A few more recommendations

Please forgive if there are duplications or omissions. There are just so many good stories here.

A Year In My Life - Teddy S.
Dollar Runaways - TiffanyShar
Catwalk Confidence - Connie Alexander
Bobby's Rainy Day Adventure - Heather Rose Brown
The Girls-Only Club - pamelapamela
Walking in Beckys Shoes - JulieDCole
Footprints In The Sea - Frances Penwiddy
A Blank Page - Flummox
The Squad - Leila
Alexa - Kris Traverse
Barbie's Doll - Shauna
Amadeus Irina - Shauna

An additioin

So far I haven't seen Kat Walker suggested so I'd like to add her. She's not posting much at present so some of the stories are not finished. While "Rumspringa" fits your specification better I find "Secondhand Life" hilarious (though perhaps not traditionally romantic).

Whatever you do DON'T read my stories. "Slow" is not my forte.



Read Bru's stories anyway, they may not qualify as slow, being short shorts, but they're almost always silly/hilarious/insane!

Well worth reading just about anything by Bru for the humour alone!

Sometimes, like recently, that humour/weirdness of Bru's pulls other writers in, leading to them posting follow-up/similar stories. LOL


My suggestion is go to the author page on the home screen. Start at the A's and go through the Z's. You will find many wonderful stories that way. You can then narrow down your favorite authors and then decide who your favorite authors are. That is how I started when I first found the site. Pedro

I'll toot my own horn.

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

I like to write the kind of stories that you like to read, so check out my story list, Patrica Marie Allen.

There are others, of course. I personally like Angel O'Hare, Angela Rasch, C. Sprite, Dorothy Colleen, Drea DiMaggio, Karin Bishop, Maeryn Lamonte, Samantha MD, Snowfall, Valentina Michelle Smith, of course there's Erin Halfelven.

I'm sure I've overlook some, but those are all authors that at least have some stories like you said you enjoyed.

Welcome, happy reading.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

Steps back in amazement...

Thanks for mentioning me. This is a first for me.
Now I need to go and lie down to recover.

Even More

Susan Brown - Changes. Well, all of hers really.
Swishy - Kate Draffen
Taylor Ryan - Seasons of Bailey
Kelly Blake - Kerrie’s Run is a good one to start with. Kelly has several semi-autobiographical tales and several stories involving loving female lead relationships.
K.T. Leone - I think most of her work is on Kindle now. Still, it's worth it to look through her blogs in her author pages. She put so much of herself into this site and helping others. She was just amazing.
Jamie Hayworth - Susie and Jeffrey simply incredible madcap comedy.


Andrea Lena's picture



To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

not my story, but. . .

tigger's picture

I have to say that my all time favorite author as well as my vote for best generalist in this genre is my dear friend, Brandy Dewinter.

For reasons of her own, she long ago ceased posting stories to general archives and instead, posted her most recent stuff to the website she and I share ( Her older works are still on StorySite, Bev's Balcony, and FM, in addition to here at BCTS for any stories she and I co-authored.

However, I just reread one of Brandy's newer stories over the weekend and have got to tell you, this is one really grrrrrrreat story! The story is Solace, and it is a very fun and very satisfying read.

You'll find her work at behind Brandy' door at the duplex. All her stuff is great, but Solace is particularly good.

Oh, and if you don't mind a really llllooooooooonnnnnnnnggggg read, check out my Study in Satin, here at BCTS. The foot is a-game!

Warm furry hugs,



Still More

D.L. - Simon(e) . All the stories are very good featuring bold smart hero(ine)s.
Darla Rasberry - Me & Sam and several others posted here.
Arecee - Show Me the Money and Assasin- available on Amazon (Richard Carlson & Holly Hart authors), but there are also several good Arecee stories here.
Tigger - Aunt Jane stories.
Ricky - Kate

More Options

There have been many outstanding stories I've read on Big Closet over the years. A number of them have now been published in either Kindle or dead-tree form.

You could try Emily, Samantha and Boys' School by Sarah Lynn Morgan.

There is also A New Style of Education and A Different Plane of Existence by Karen Page.

Anything by Susan Brown.

Either Do It Right, or Don't Do It at All by Lilith Langtree.

While not fitting in your category, for zany antics try Susie and Jeffrey by Jamie Hayworth.

My current obsession is Penny Lane's Tales of Anmar series Somewhere Else Entirely, The Voyage of the Visund, What Milsy Did, Armsman of Joth and Snep's Day Out. Also set in the same universe are Julia Phillip's Julina of Blackstone series and Alibi Omnino.

Michelle B

Some additions to the suggestions

LibraryGeek's picture

Strangely, I don't think anyone has mentioned Robinverse by Zoe Taylor and Dark Kitten.

S.P.A. Universe as well. (ETA: OK, the last comment prior to mine mentioned two stories in it.)

While I agree that many of the other suggested stories/authors are very good, a fair number of them do not meet your listed criteria of slow transition/gender realization, which, to me, sounds more like "realistic gender dysphoria" stories rather than magical/pseudoscience near instantaneous transformations, often of individuals who did not have gender dysphoria.

While not posted here, I would wholeheartedly recommend Wes Boyd's The Girl in the Mirror as a very upbeat, on the whole, slow transition gender dysphoria novel; if you find that you like it, I suspect you would enjoy his other works as well, although, except for those involving the protagonist of that novel, gender dysphoria isn't dealt with.


John Robert Mead

Blowing a trumpet

Most of my own are transition stories, looking at it from as many different angles as I can.


Andrea Lena's picture

Real, compelling, sometimes even heartbreaking drama at itsbest!


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

Haven't Seen Tuck Mentioned...

Lots of good suggestions here, but one of the greatest tales, sadly, stalled out in 2013 after 16 years of updates.

Ellen Hayes's 150-chapter Tuck series (most easily encountered at on the "writings" page; the link from her story list here didn't seem to be working when I tried it) is, among many other things, one of the great slow transitions in the TG realm. In effect, it's what led me to Classic BigCloset, this site's predecessor, a lot of years back.


Well she did promise to release it to the community

In terms of for use.

Clearly it is still in copyright but she seems to have lost interest or she does not have any bandwidth in her life to spare even a comment on status.

Her work will slowly fade into obscurity and irrelevance as she is not releasing it and she is not writing any new stuff it seems or at least concluding the tale. Her tale is very era focused, set in an era that is not that interesting imho, and the audience who truly know that time will pass on too.

She has not done much at all in the last decade honestly with it.


Wow! Thank you for all the advice! I see now what's so great about the BC community!

I've so far my favorites have been:

Gaby by Maddy Bell
A Girl for Halloween by Mysterious Stranger
and pretty much everything by Melanie Brown

Thank you again! I'll keep checking out your recommendations

A Novel Idea....

Beverly Colleen's picture

One author I wouldn't mind seeing more from and would recommend for "Five Hertz of Separation" and "Severance Pay" is Meps98.

Some authors put a tremendous effort into only one or two stories and lose their muse, but their efforts leave behind their footprint.

I am a leaf on the wind, but someone turned the fan off.