Please forgive the delay....

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I know I've been remiss in posting a new Amazon chapter, and nearly as bad on Ma'at.

All I can say is that Real-Life has been ridiculously busy for both immediate and extended family, and Changes (capital 'C' deliberate) seem to be under way for me, personally. (Not bad things, but the stress level is 25 on a scale of 1 to 10)

Thanks to John in Wauwatosa, Ma'at chapter 8 should be coming soon, but I can't say when the next part of Amazon will be ready.

Sorry. :-(


Oh, Itinerant, reguarding Ma'at ....

I have some more comments/suggestions for Ma'at 8 ... really! I'll send ASAP, minor stuffm, DON"T PANIC!

I’ve seen chapter eight evolve over several months and it's serious, has funny bits, sad parts, nasty character bashing bits and hints of romance or at least guys ogling Dani’s exotic charms. Then there is the near future and her trip to Whateley Academy in chapter 9 and it’s own brand of characters, strange demented characters, TEENAGERS! Bru ha ha ha ha ... Poor Dani, poor poor Dani ...

By the way, folks, I've seen substantial bits of both Ma'at and Amazon in progress and if RL will be a good girl or boy I think you will be well pleased with the results.

Amazon in particular is very ambitious and the attention to detail must add to the delays but the results, wow.

John in Wauwatosa

P.S. I owe Scott Ramsey some feed back assuming he is not treading water in Florida.

John in Wauwatosa

Great !

I for one look forward to seeing how Dani meets up with all those teenagers. God forbid if we miss out what happens when she meets a certain red-headed singer! :).
