Just wondering about the cause of this.
I've seen Stories where free stories have been replaced by links to books sold on Amazon, which isn't in my view conducive to getting people to buy them, but that's not the problem, I'm posting about, and only mention them to make that clear.
I've seen Several series, where the Chapter links exist, and the comments sections make it clear those chapters were posted.
For some reason though the page exists, the actual story chapters are missing.
The most recent example, I've found, not the first, but the first to get me to join the site is below.
After reading, and enjoying
The Princess of the Desert by Melodie Thomas
I was linked to the sequel
Tears of the Princess by Melodie Thomas
Until I get to this chapter
Tears of the Princess -- Chapter 3
Where the story is missing, and it appears as if most if not all the rest is missing, but as I said the comments make it clear it once existed, and nothing suggests, a switch to Amazon, and I can't find the authors name using a web search, except on this site.
Has there been some data lost at some time, to cause this, or is their another reason these chapters are missing?
It appears
It appears that the story text was removed to make it available on Amazon and then the Amazon book was pulled from kindle. Each of the "missing" chapters has a link to a non-existent Kindle book. No clue at the moment when this was done but the author could have done it without telling us.
It isn't dataloss, this was deliberate removal, probably by the author. If we had been told about it, we would have done it differently.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Trail of Tears Trilogy
At one time the two books you are talking about and a third Tears of the Innocent were available as Kindle ebooks under the name M N Thomas. The two that aren't here are still available but only as paperbacks.
I purchased all three ebooks at the time as they are a trilogy. I suspect someone complained about paying for the first one because it is available for free here and Amazon pulled it and probably the second. Melodie may have been trying to prevent that by deleting the chapters of the second book here.
She still has two ebooks available on Amazon, both of which are TG thrillers, Born From Revenge and Vanessa and if you liked The Princess book (or books) you will probably enjoy them.
Visit my Caption Blog: Dawn's Girly Site
Visit my Amazon Page: D R Jehs
Why would Amazon remove it,
Why would Amazon remove it, because it's cheaper somewhere else, in another format, even if free?
No rules say you can't sell, and/or give away the same thing, at different times.
It makes no sense at all, especially you are often paying for the format it's supplied in, as much as the content.
Hence why the Paperbacks are double the price of the kindle versions.
Anyway it's been explained, just seemed strange to have left two chapters up, with no indication as to where they had gone to.
The only post I could find that may have been relevant, was the one warning author's to make backups, as the data on the site could be lost.
Thanks for all the replies.
Dark Elven Sissy Slut – Uhuru N’Uru
Kindle ePublishing has specific rules
about offering content sold on their site more cheaply anywhere else. Having done the editing and publishing for one author I had to have her remove content from her blog because Amazon did a search and found it and wouldn't publish the book.
They do a search much like professors do to find copied papers. It's why pirates use cyrilllic letters to plagiarize stories they publish on Amazon without being caught unless a reader alerts them to it.
The only person who can answer that question is Melodie.
Visit my Caption Blog: Dawn's Girly Site
Visit my Amazon Page: D R Jehs
You can find...
It on "essentially piracy site" - wayback machine, under original author/story name or I can (if you don't mind) emailed it to you.
...Missing Chapters you can find on "essentially piracy site". It name "Not quite kosher"* almost forbidden here like Satan in church.