I am led to believe that being stabbed feels like being kicked. A wound that causes blood to enter the mouth means penetration of gut or lung. Either can be serious to the point of being fatal, loss of consciousness means a large to massive bleed.
The narrative of this story is first person - unconscious/dying/dead people don't tend to say very much.
The number of the episode is significant.
The end of EAFOAB?
Have we seen the final episode of EAFOAB? Even if cathy survives the stabbing it will take her a bit of time to be able to communicate her thoughts. A "certain person" will be a bit upset if there's no more EAFEAB as she really felt that Cathy, Simon, Stella and Tom (not to mention Des) were her friends.
So will someone else take up the narrative now, Stella for example, or is this THE END?
Dead women do tell tales
Well, a certain dead person has already said much within the story. Cathy's mother's ghost made predictions that have yet to come true, so I have faith that this isn't the end.
Just don't start the next chapter with Charlie waking up after falling off his bike and we won't break out the torches and pitchforks.
I mean so..365? Yeah a years worth in days or something...Oh ok, so you're a better girl than I am. No way could I do that. Then I aint 40 yet so I probally have attention disssembly thingie. All us kids do...Oh SHUT UP. Besides, she can't be dead or I'd feel it, ya know... Daryll'd be gettin' distracted and that'd be rude. Nick doesn't need that.
Oh, Cathy is hurt but not bad. Stella is a nurse and what a wonderful focus point. Simon is on a fast bike and probably a pinch vengeful, see I can do this every day thing...well as long as I do it every so often instead of daily, ya know.
Now really Ang, do be serious she's got Mother Earth on side. Your time is not yet sort of purpose thing. Right.
NO! No Stoppy--Me no likey
This had better not be because I haven't been reading and regularly dropping my offhand or off-the-wall comments.
I know I haven't had the time lately, but it doesn't mean I won't and I did promise to catch up.
You can't stop writing this.
If they can keep the Archers, Coronation Street and all that tripe going, you can keep up with EAFOAB--which in my opinion is much much better.
Please Ang.
I don't just look it, I really AM that bad
Yeah but ...
... Cathy must be OK because she's been able to write about happened right up to the point of tasting blood. Or do you believe in communication from beyond the grave?
Then, of course, Ellen Hayes slipped into 3rd person narrative when Tuck was on life support. I expect no less from you Angharad. And EAFOAB is lots better than the Tuck saga IMO.
In the end you'll do what you do and we readers will be grateful for what we've had so far. We must not be greedy.
I've no idea
and it seems I still don't as I missed the fact that was your ending(must be the blonde thing).Thanks for a year plus of enjoyable reading and I do hope you continue to do what you do write great storys.Amy
Would it make a difference if we pointed out it's Leap Year?
I mean, there are 365 days in other years, but there are 366 in the year that includes you writing about Cathy...
365 was the end...
...Cathy's last bike ride - going out when life is good. She had nothing more to prove to anyone.
However, it seems I distressed one or two readers,(who sent me PMs and emails) who seem to have taken my characters to heart. So what can I do? I can't stand to see grown men cry or spoil someone's birthday, so I've relented. The bike wasn't damaged, so everything is all right - oh the characters? You'll have to wait and see won't you. Will it be a hospital or a funeral or both? How do I know, I only write the bloody thing?
I'm glad you've seen sense
You can't just stop writing. God knows you gave me a hard enough time when I wanted to stop. I'm glad I didn't as I seem to be gaining momentum again and I hope you will too.
Until you're too weak to pick up the pen or tap those keys, thou shouldst continue . . .
I don't just look it, I really AM that bad . . .
I go on vacation for a few days then this
Ang, naughty Ang, don’t you realize as a writer after these many chapters we, the readers, control your very soul?
Plus it is leap year so to do a whole year you need 366 chapters.
Fun whichever way you go or not. Your baby after all.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa