I have devised a fictitious UK company and would be grateful for help in making sure that the profile that I have written makes sense.
It has already featured briefly in one of my stories (There's Life in the Old Dog Yet) and is the main setting for a story that I am writing at the moment.
I have written a company profile - loosely based on my previous employer - and wonder if a reader would be kind enough to review it for me. The company operates throughout the UK but not overseas at the moment.
Thanks ever so much.
Help Please
I'm willing to help, but I'm an American.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Thanks very much
I've got a lot of friends in the USA (I hope).
I won't hold your nationality against you even though we are divided by a common language. Mind you, it could be argued that we produced the prototype and you debugged it over the past few centuries!
Seriously, thanks very much for the offer; company structure is probably almost universal so if you could provide an e-mail address I'll send it over. It's one page of MS Word XP or can be .rtf or whatever.
Any ideas or suggestions for improvements would be greatly appreciated but most if not all of the action in my story(ies) will take place at Head Office. The other locations might get a mention.
If it's not too big I'll take a bite .. Ooh what a giveaway!
I'm VERY USA but if another set of eyes would help?
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Thanks for the offer
I think that one set of eyes should do it, but thanks for the offer anyway. May I bear you in mind if I have another story partly or wholly set in the USA? (Watch for the next one, due out soon; it's set on both sides of the pond).
Find a Karen Page or
Find a Karen Page or Angharad story and send them a pm
Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.
The Coda
Chapterhouse: Dune
Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.
The Coda
Chapterhouse: Dune
UK Companies.
Go here Susie - http://www.companieshouse.gov.uk/about/gbhtml/gbf1.shtml#one
Additionally there are many companies who will sell you a ready made, ready to operate company for less that £100. I am not suggesting that you buy one but their websites do contain loads of information that should answer most of your questions. Just Google for 'new UK Ltd company'.
I have started companies this way and it works. You can either choose your own name or buy one off the peg with an existing name. This you can change later if you want. This latter method, if I remember rightly, is faster, because otherwise you have to do searches to ensure your selected name is acceptable.
My own experiences go back several years now and my memory is fallible. I am happy to try to advise but would probably be myself reduced to verifying the information on the web.
You do want to ensure that your Memorandum and Articles of Association allow you to do everything right from the start. Most are formed in such a way that any and everything is possible apart from actually ending civilisation as we know it, and even this is doubtless covered in some. So they should allow you to trade world wide, import, export, manufacture, etc. right from the word go. They are in effect standard 'catch-all' documents.
Let me know if I can be of any further help.
Thank you again
Thanks again to everyone who responded, and especially for the detail that I have received. I don't want to make the thing too unwieldy for story purposes but neither did I want to be in the position of someone saying "That's not how it's done."
The structure of the company is not so important as the people who work for it and it is they who will feature in the plot. Their roles in the company will usually be of secondary importance, although I can foresee a situation where a particular job affects one or more of the characters.
Thanks again; I have already sent my summary out for review.