When I write I write for one simple reason recognition .It is how good work is acknowledged, both by comments and kudos. My last story felt kinda flat,IMO.I got a few comments and kudos,Frankly I am wondering why I bothered. I find myself competing with advertised stories on the front page.that are pushing everyone elses stories down into oblivion. I am frankly wondering if my stuff is good enough to beposted here. I will only write Solos because that is the only way my stories will ever be offer fresh in the random solos box.I will never get money for my stuff. even if I did I could not access it since I am stuck at home flaton my back with little access to a bank.To say I stay depressed is a major understatement..If you like a story leave a comment, . consider it an investment in more stories in the future. If you like BCTS donate else it may not always be here for us.
I am really split about your post
I must admit I am a little baffled and split about your blog post.
On one hand, I get that one looks for recognition.
More reads, comments, and kudos are always nice.
However, they aren't everything.
They also can be highly deceptive.
Not everyone who liked a story will comment or leave a kudos.
Hell, even I as a writer who should know better forgets to leave a kudos now and then.
On the other hand, I feel sorry for you if recognition is your only motivation to write.
To be honest, it isn't even a good motivation to begin with.
I think the recognition you crave, you will only get by fans who are dedicated to your work, but to get those requires hard work.
That will be hindered if you don't have the right motivation.
But if you really want to have something to brighten your day maybe this will help:
Each of your stories has individually more comments than 90% of my individual stories.
I don't care about that fact but maybe you do.
As for the sponsored stories. I think they get picked at random. Of course, there is a way to raise the chance one of your stories is featured there. Have more stories that can be randomly picked. It is no wonder if writers like Sarah Goodwoman are featured there a lot. She writes stories like a maniac. ( I mean maniac in a positive way)
In the end, my best advice I can give is: forget about reads, comments, kudos, and recognition. Write something that is fun or satisfying to you. Write for yourself. Not for others.
Could not agree more
Write something that makes you happy.
Once you start writing for your audience you end up like Dan Brown. I find his novels very repetitive. Yes he is very successful but he will never win the Nobel Prize for Literature. Dickens and Conan Doyle wrote for an audience but were IMHO far more original than Brown. You can't find many similarities between Hard Times and David Copperfield. (or maybe you can). Dickens wrote stories that people could relate to. They were of a time yet have stood the test of time. That is something that we should strive for but probably won't obtain but it is a nice dream.
I try to be original/different in my stories. Some times it works and some times it does not work very well.
There are so many stories posted here that are just rehashes of previous work. You can't say that of 'Girl on a Motorcycle', 'Shell Shocked' and more recently 'She' (three stories of mine)
My old english teacher (Mrs Greenhaugh) hammered it into us, if you don't have something to say, then don't say it. I try to do that. My 'crap' folder is full of stories that were started with good intentions but went nowhere or even worse turned into a new version of an old story.
don't stop writing. Write for yourself. You are your own harshest critic.
One in ten
One advertised story in ten is NOT pushing everyone else's story into oblivion. Sorry but it just is not true.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
If I ever get around to writing fiction, it will probably be for the fun of it. Recognition would be nice, too. I do know that I probably would not write for the masses. I would write for me.
I have noticed that while I enjoy some books written to please the lowest common denominator, I find the stories I enjoy the most frequently have a low readership. Many of my favourite stories here have a fairly low readership compared to others.
But I am glad they are all here. I have been reading voraciously but have a long way to go before I have read even a small fraction of all of the wonderful stories posted here over the years.
I write for two basic reasons. For fun and to help deal with being transgendered. Comments would be nice since that's really the only "pay" you get on a free site but I don't get many. I just like to write.
Treasured author
I'm With The Band is among my most treasured books. I have read and enjoyed everything else you have published on Amazon. Reading everything you have published here is on my to-do list. I truly value and appreciate your work.
I'm not a writer.
While I am not a writer I understand how hard it is to be a good writer as I read a lot of stories here at BC. The time, effort and thinking one puts into their stories so people like myself can enjoy them is rather large. I try to read the work of many of those who offer their work for people to read, I give kudos to those stories I enjoy and try not to put down the stories I don't as well. I will say this about the many talented writers, AND the behind the scenes staff here at BC. Thank you for your time and efforts into making this reader's days a little brighter with each story that I do read!
Compare Writing to Movie Stars
For every famous actor or actress one sees upon the big screen there are tens of thousands who aren't there. Mattie Ross who starred as Kim Darby in True Grit is now teaching at UCLA.
Donna Douglas became a real estate agent after Beverly Hillbillies
There are two novelist who hit the six figure pre publication income this month. One is non fiction the other is fiction.
Now, think of all the writers, actors, actresses, singers, or anyone else in the world who are striving for that golden rainbow. Nothing wrong for looking and desiring recognition and possibly that golden ticket. Maybe we also wish to win the Publishers Clearing House millions or the lottery?
Not to rain on anyone's hopes and dreams, certainly go for it, but the reality is even with two published novels, I'll die the same way I was born. Known by family and friends and few others. But then, there are millions my work and life touched and they will never know. The milk and meat from our dairy, the pork and bacon from our pigs, the cakes, bread, pastries from our wheat, the clothes from our cotton..., If the stories I write takes others away from the problems of the world and provide entertainment, that is icing on the cake because I'll never be rich in monetary things. I believe I am the most blessed person on this messed up Star Ship we call Earth. But that's my opinion.
Write if you like for the most selfish reason in the world. For your own personal pleasure. AND..., if others enjoy your tales that is all gravy on top. It's the way I do it.
Hugs hon
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
A lot been said already, so here's my take. I started writing here when at a really low ebb, and it was mostly as a way to sort out my life as a trans woman. It's what I am, it's what the world sees, but it has never been the easiest of paths to walk. While I am (no false modesty here) very good with words I have never been original in terms of plot ideas, so I started out on the path of creating characters--people, if you like. Those people then became very real to me, and that took over a large part of my life.
To a large extent, they write themselves, and I find myself wanting to deliver them to the wider world. I never described Joey Harber, but I can see and hear him very, very clearly. My problem is that as I add to my cast, they sit there waving and demanding their own stories be told. It means a lot of overlap in my books, but I get the fun of showing things from multiple angles, rather like the enjoyable film "One Night at McCool's".
I am not living in some world of delusions and imaginary friends, but I am deeply involved with my people. Bringing them to life gives me an awful lot of emotional returns. Comments and compliments, of course, are always welcome, but the satisfaction of delivering someone fully-grown to the world, even if they are as foul as the Cunninghams, is in many cases the reward I need.
Note to self,Don't post when depressed
I have said this before I do not believe in suicide. .If there were an off switch for my life I might flip it. I am praying I get some medical insurance come November. I am totally dependent on the kindness of friends nowadays. I do not want to hurt them by iterating how miserable I am. I am trapped in bed. with no company to speak of. You guys and the BCTS chat room is it for me nowadays. as far as company goes. I find myself laying here willing myself to die My son has moved out to California and does not really want to text or talk,which hurts. A friend comes over once a weekday helps get me out of bed( something I am unable to do alone She Puts me into a manual wheelchair so I can exercise 4 hours a a day, doing the nearest thing to rehab we can figure out our selves (no doctors). Frankly I count my blessings, but the loneliness is overwhelming me.SSI has clicked in thanks to my caretakers help but we are both on fixed incomes.. Her life is no bowl of cherries, Which is one reason I can't tell her how I feel.
So if I vent occasionally please accept my apologies.
So much time... so little to do... No. Wait. Reverse that!
There are SO many reasons to write... either in stories... blogs... or posts.
I actually don't consider myself a writer. I think that I started more to see if I COULD write. The intensity of feelings (and yes... even physical) discovered on sites like this and FM were compounded a hundred-fold as I committed my own thoughts through my fingers. I still remember the utter thrill of clicking that button to send my first story into the world too.
The thrill of writing still remains. I think that it starts to become almost an obsession too. The more that I do... the more that I feel compelled to write more. Why do we write? Why do we breathe?
For every story that I've posted, I've probably committed a score or more to the delete key. I have dozens in various states of completion... or snippets of starts. I find myself my biggest critic... and often cringe at the ones that I have exposed to the light of day. I've written better... and certainly worse. My biggest obstacle is the ruts that I find myself falling into. I don't mean using the same main character names (which I am guilty of... though I'm breaking that habit). So many of the "posts" might have been to see how my writing "experiments" were received by reviews or comments... but more as part of my own learning/growth.
I learned a long time ago that view-counts, review-counts, and comments/reviews are a very misleading drug. You will never please all of the people all of the time. While one reader may want to read saccharine confections to escape their lives... another may want to vicariously live in the dark corners that they could never experience on their own.
I write mainly for myself... and often. I used to try coming up with intentionally innocuous titles and descriptions so that people would almost accidentally read my little ramblings. I don't know why, but I think it comes back to who I'm really writing for. If someone else enjoys it too... YAY!
I'm actually in yet another edit of a very long story that somehow took a life of it's own. I hope to share it someday, but it has distracted other writings a little. I don't know how people can juggle so many different continuing stories like they do... but I applaud them for it.
Maybe I write because I love to read. I was never a recluse growing up, but the escapism of a good story always grabbed me. I was never the runty little kid whose friends lived in the pages of other people's imaginations... but I enjoyed those friends just the same.
Okay... My fingers are farting on the keyboard again. We write because we write.
Hugs All,
I frequently start stories or have catchy phrases
in my head that never see th light. I've had one experience where the story forced me to write it. It was a near religious experience./ Most stories require I force them out m fingers. I have this blank spot inside mt dead ever since the stroke, I have heard you can't feel brain injuries. but this interferes with my thought s and memories. Some days are better than others. it is less noticeable. My roommate wants me to journal. I find that boring in the extreme. I find the back and forth of posting like this interesting. this extends to my story telling too.I have sequel to my first story "End of the worl, as We Knew It." about 80% written in my head, including the end.
My depression has let up for now, bet it shows in my writing...