The new keyboard is in!

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So far I like it... but this is gonna take some getting used to.

I ended up compromising on several part of my initial plan, mostly because I found a good deal on what I got. Is it mechanical? Well, it's mechanical-ish: it's still membrane keys, but with a mechanical action on top of it. It also has LEDs in it in colors, but luckily they aren't super-glaring (though the mouse is a bit more obnoxious with its cycling I can't seem to turn off.) And... it was 34 dollars including shipping.

Yeah, that was worth the compromise.

I like the feel of the keys so far, though again, it's definitely gonna take a while to get used to. I've never had a mechanical (ish) keyboard before, so the click and feel of the keys is definitely a new experience. The size is nice though, and it has the 10 key that I absolutely insist on, so overall... yeah. I think I'm gonna be happy with it.

It's a Thermaltake model called the "Commander," and I went with the multi-light version mostly so I'd have more options in terms of dimming/turning off the lights, along with a more subtle overall aesthetic.

Will this bode well for my writing in the future? We'll just have to say! I can say, though, that I'm excited to get in and see how it feels long-term. It's already miles better than my trusty-but-rusty Logitech.

Melanie E.


The cure for LED's

is black tape :)
The same black tape that you put over webcams when not in use.... :wink:


Umm, won't work

The LEDs are under the keys. You can't mask them off like you can with, say, a camera in a laptop.

There's probably some arcane software method for dimming them or turning them off but good luck finding it. Or, it's a bit of software that isn't compatible with whatever you're running.

Cynical, moi?


what am I missing?

BarbieLee's picture

Hon, I don't mean to be a Debbie Downer, but I seem to be missing something? I pulled it up and did a quick research on that puppy. It looks and has the same specs as a "computer keyboard". Am I so old and out of date I'm not clued in on keyboards? This is your first "click" keyboard? There are silent keyboards?

My world has gone from manual typewriters, to electric typewriters, to Commodore 2 bit computers, to 64bit quad processor computers. The biggest change in this field in my life was MSWord and a 286 computer. Try writing a two thousand page novel out on a typewriter for an experience.

I'm going to go work on the John Deere and the hammy. Weeds in the field need my attention.

Hugs Rasufelle, I wish you success and a lifetime of dreams flowing from your imagination to the screen.


Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Most keyboards nowadays are a "membrane" keyboard,

think the original IBM PC Jr. style, but with hard plastic tops, and you've basically got the idea. I've always worked with very cheap products, so my keyboards have always been the barest of bare bones. I've used typewriters and such with mechanical keys before, but the feel of a typewriter's keys is very different from that of a regular ol' computer keyboard :D

Yeah, it's a lot of fancy talk about an item that is largely function over form, but the end result is something that, to me, feels better to use, and that's all that really matters in the end, right?

As for the comment above about tape to cover the LEDs, I CAN turn them completely off -- I wouldn't have bought the things if I couldn't -- but I'm gonna give them a chance to grow on me first. Ya never know, I may end up liking it and not wanting to go non-lit again, but I'll never learn if that's the case if I don't give it a shot right?

Melanie E.


Just look at that fancy typing. So crisp and colorful. Wait, what do you mean I can't see the difference? Of course I can the electrons jiggle completely differently!

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